Title: | Classes and Methods for Seismic Data Analysis |
Description: | Provides classes and methods for seismic data analysis. The base classes and methods are inspired by the python code found in the 'ObsPy' python toolbox <https://github.com/obspy/obspy>. Additional classes and methods support data returned by web services provided by EarthScope. <https://service.earthscope.org/>. |
Authors: | Jonathan Callahan [aut], Rob Casey [aut], Gillian Sharer [aut, cre], Mary Templeton [aut], Chad Trabant [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Gillian Sharer <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.6.7 |
Built: | 2025-01-10 06:19:18 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/IRISSeismic |
This package provides S4 classes for downloading and processing seismological
data available from Earthscope Consortium (https://www.earthscope.org) (formerly IRIS) or
other data centers offering FDSN web services.
Core classes Trace
, Stream
and IrisClient
and their associated methods
are inspired by the functionality available in the python ObsPy package (https://obspy.org/).
The "IRISSeismic-intro" vignette gives introductory examples on using the package.
In 2023, IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) and UNAVCO merged to form EarthScope Consortium. IRIS (now EarthScope) webservices are unchanged but can now be accessed at https://service.earthscope.org as well as https://service.iris.edu.
version 1.6.7
update maintainer contact information
update IRIS references to EarthScope
version 1.6.6
for web service calls that support the nodata=<204|404> option, use nodata=204
corrected the crossSpectrum documentation, Pxy is the cross-periodogram for ts1 and ts2
version 1.6.5
examples and vignette updated for better error handling when accessing internet resources
version 1.6.4
updated to (modified version of) libmseed-2.19.8
version 1.6.3
Stream object @ timing_quality now averages the values of the miniSEED blockette 1001 timing quality values, instead of summing the blockette 1001 values and dividing by the number of records
version 1.6.2
getDataselect, modified default time out values
fixed url in documentation
version 1.6.0
irisNetrc definition moved inside getDataselect function
restored getTimeseries function
default values for class Trace InstrumentSensitivity and SensitivityFrequency changed to NA from 1.0
added transferFunctionSpectra function
version 1.5.2
updated getDataAvailablity to use new fdsnws availability web service specification https://service.iris.edu/fdsnws/availability/1/
fixed bug in getDataAvailability when mergequality=FALSE
fixed bug in getDataAvailability affecting start/end times, introduced in version 1.5.1
fixed bug in mergeTraces when trace has gap at end, introduced in version 1.5.1
version 1.5.1
changed a subset of time format OS to OS6
fixed bug in mergeTraces when fdsnws/dataselect implementation cuts on records instead of sample
version 1.5.0
added spacing as an option to getEvalresp
modified getEvalresp to use IrisClient service_type
new getDataAvailability() to return dataframe of miniseed data extents in the IRIS archive using IRIS web service https://service.iris.edu/irisws/availability/1/
minor change to src code to pass CRAN checks
version 1.4.9
additional error handling
minor updates to the plot.Trace and plot.Stream functions
updated src/libmseed to version 2.19.6
version 1.4.8
updated src/libmseed to version 2.19.5
fix bug related to leap seconds
functions that call web services now follow redirects
some error outputs have changed slightly
rmsVariance function, na.rm=TRUE calculates data length minus NA values
rmsVariance.Stream now honors na.rm=TRUE
getGaps() error handling now checks for negative sample rates
getEvent, getEvalresp now truncates start and end input times to seconds (time format OS0 instead of OS) to fix error when user set options(digits.secs=) > 3
version 1.4.7
additional error handling for getDistaz
added input service_type to IrisClient, defaults to fdsnws
plot.Trace x-axis labels are "MM dd" instead of days of week for traces > 1 day and < 1 week
getDataselect will retry once if it encounters http code 401
additional error handling for spectralUtils
version 1.4.6
bug fix for IRISSeismic::slice
version 1.4.5
fixed bug in noiseModels for low noise model results at periods > 10000 seconds
retry if getEvent returns a service unavailable message
version 1.4.4
modified error messages for getEvalresp() and getDistaz()
version 1.4.3
changed getEvent default url from https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/ to https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/
version 1.4.2
updated libmseed version to 2.19
version 1.4.1
updated libmseed version to 2.18
fix for reading miniseed with out of order records
version 1.4.0
addition of repository argument to getDataselect and getSNCL, to match change in fdsnws-dataselect web service
version 1.3.9
fixes compile warning generated by clang
removes followlocation=TRUE from getDataselect RCurl options
version 1.3.8
does not add a quality indicator to url by default. IRIS webservices itself defaults to quality="M"
and getChannel
do not add includerestricted indicator to url by default. IRIS webservices itself defaults to TRUE
better handling of textConnections
version 1.3.7
users can now supply instrument response information in the form of frequency, amplitude, phase
to the functions psdStatistics
, psdList2NoiseMatrix
, psdPlot
in place of the getEvalresp webservice call. Function argument order for psdPlot
is changed.
added showMedian
option to psdPlot
version 1.3.5
added ignoreEpoch option to getDataselect
version 1.3.4 – webservices and plotting
forwards https://service.iris.edu/fdsnws/event/1/ calls to https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/
changes output dataframe column name ellipsoid..attrs to ellipsoid.name
allows for user supplied ylab and xlab input
version 1.3.3 – documentation
Updated documentation and corrected outdated links
version 1.3.2 – bug fix
noiseModels(), minor correction to the New High Noise Model
version 1.3.1 – bug fixes
psdStatistics() correctly handles NA values when calculating high and low PDF bin limits and returns pct_above and pct_below vectors of correct length
version 1.3.0 – compatibility with IRIS webservices
getDistaz() returns new variables from output of https://services.iris.edu/irisws/distaz/1/
version 1.2.2 – PDF bug fix
psdList2NoiseMatrix() adds 1 second to start time in getEvalresp call to work around a quirk in https://services.iris.edu/irisws/evalresp/1/ webservice that will not return a response if the start time is exactly on a metadata epoch boundary.
version 1.2.1 – PDF
psdPlot() now compatible with changes to psdStatistics() in previous version. Adds ylo, yhi arguments to customize y-axis limits in plot.
version 1.2.0 – PDF
psdStatistics() changes method of setting PDF bins from fixed values to bins based on the high and low PSD values and shifts bin centers by 0.5 dB. The result now matches output from https://services.iris.edu/mustang/noise-pdf.
verison 1.1.7 – improved error handling
getDataselect(), getNetwork(), getStation(), getChannel(), getAvailability(), getEvalresp(), getTraveltime() error handling now report unexpected http status codes.
version 1.1.6 – bug fixes
getGaps() fixes issues with multiple sample rates and setting minimum gap length.
mergeTraces.Stream() relaxes criteria for acceptable sample rate jitter.
version 1.1.5 – trace rotation
rotate2D() changes orthogonality test tolerance from 5 degrees to 3 degrees.
version 1.1.4 – trace rotation
rotate2D() exits if traces are not orthogonal.
version 1.1.3 – bug fix
psdStatistics() fixes bug in calculation of pct_above and pct_below.
version 1.1.1 – bug fixes
getGaps() minor bug fix.
mergeTraces.Stream() minor bug fix.
version 1.0.10 – new data request argument and bug fixes
Imports seismicRoll (>= 1.1.0).
getGaps() fixes bugs in calculation of initial and final gap of Trace.
getDataselect(), getSNCL() adds "inclusiveEnd" argument, a logical that determines whether a data point that falls exactly on the requested endtime is included in the Trace.
libmseed change, when multiple sample rates exist in miniseed records use the mode of all sample rates instead of using the sample rate in the first record.
psdList() added rule for octave generation for channel codes that start with "V".
version 1.0.9 – Trace class expansion and bug fixes
Improved error handling for getAvailability(), getChannel(), getDataselect(), getEvalresp(), miniseed2Stream().
parseMiniSEED.c, unpackdata.c updated. Fixes protection stack overflow issue.
getGaps() includes a 0.5/sampling_rate tolerance factor.
miniseed2Stream() uses endtime from parseMiniSEED instead of calculating from the sample rate.
Trace class now contains slots for optional metadata "latitude", "longitude", "elevation", "depth", "azimuth", "dip", "SensitivityFrequency".
rotate2D() uses Trace class "azimuth" slot information to identify channel orientation before rotation instead of assuming lead and lag channel from trace input order.
version 1.0.8 – fixes required by ISPAQ
Removed 'maps' and 'mapdata' from Suggested: packages.
Changed URL syntax for FDSN web services to use "format=..." instead of "output=...".
Fixed bug in getSNCL() so that it works when the "quality" argument is missing.
version 1.0.6 – CRAN updates required
Removed "mode" argument form Trace.as.vector() signature.
version 1.0.4 – name change to IRISSeismic
Name change required because 'seismic' was recently taken.
Using explicit references for 'utils' and 'stats' package functions as this is now required for CRAN.
version 1.0.3 – cleanup for submission to CRAN
Updated libmseed to version 2.16
version – minor tweaks to 0.2.7
Updated links to IRIS web services in the documentation.
McNamaraBins() ignores bin #0 (~= DC)
McNamaraPSD() conversion to dB occurs after binning, not before
version – hilbert transform
New hilbertFFT() function.
New hilbert() trace method.
version – cross correlation
Added surfaceDistance() function.
Added rotate2D() function.
version – channel orientation
Jumping to version 0.2.5 to match project milestone names.
Added getSNCL() convenience wrapper for getDataselect() method.
Added getDistaz() method of IrisClient.
Added miniseed2Stream() and readMiniseedFile() functions.
Added getRotation() method of IrisClient.
version – cross spectrum
Moved McNamaraPSD() from trace method to spectral utility function.
Added spectral utility functions:
All get~ methods that return dataframes now guarantee a default ordering of rows.
version – PSD and friends
Add dependency on pracma package.
Use pracma::detrend() function in DDT.Trace().
Added "increment" parameter to STALTA.Trace().
Removed STALTA.Trace() algorithm "classic_LR2".
Fixed URL generation for getEvalresp() when location="".
Added NamaraPSD.Trace() method.
Added PSD/PDF utility functions:
version – Bug fix release
Removed dependcy on signal, XML packages.
version – FDSN web services
Conversion to FDSN web services including the following new/rewritten methods:
, getStation
, getChannel
, getAvailability
, getUnavailability
Updated version of getEvent
to return a dataframe with columns named "latitude" and "longitude"
for consistency with all other web services
Updated documentation and Rscripts to match the API changes in the conversion to FDSN web services.
Removal of all StationXML
classes in favor of storing that information in slots of the Trace
Updates to Trace
object slots @Sensor
, @InstrumentSensitivity
and @InputUnits
to store information as character
, numeric
and character
instead of StationXML
The TraceHeader@quality
slot now reflects the data quality returned in the miniSEED record
rather than the quality that was requested by getDataselect. (Requests with quality=B
for "Best" typically return
Improved STALTA.Trace()
method removes experimental algorithms and now uses C++ code from package
to calculate rolling means.
Updated IrisClient
now uses web services from https://service.iris.edu for the following methods:
, getEvalresp
, getEvent
Removed PSD methods of Stream
and Trace
. PSD algorithms are now part of the PSD metric.
Improved mergeTraces.Stream()
method now accepts fillMethod="fillZero"
New rollSeismic package for fast rolling algorithms implemented in C++/Rcpp.
New num_spikes
metric based on seismicRoll::roll_hampel
outlier detection.
New correlation
New scripts glitchMetrics.Rscript
, correlationMetric.Rscript
, pressureCorrelation.Rscript
New trace@stats@processing
slot for data processing information.
New Stream
methods: mergeTraces
, plot
Improved getGaps.Stream()
method properly handles initial and final gaps.
Improved MCR error messing.
version – IrisClient methods getEvent and getTraveltime, improved SNR metric
version – PSD
version – improved errors, miniSEED parser
version – code cleanup, improved errors, package vignette
version – STA/LTA, upDownTimes, basic plotting
version – SNR, memory profiling
version – ...
version – ...
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
ObsPy: https://obspy.org/
EarthScope web services: https://service.earthscope.org/
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:45:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 07:45:00", tz="GMT") # Get the seismic data result <- try(st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { # Extract the first trace, display the metadata and plot it tr1 <- st@traces[[1]] show(tr1@stats) plot(tr1) }
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:45:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 07:45:00", tz="GMT") # Get the seismic data result <- try(st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { # Extract the first trace, display the metadata and plot it tr1 <- st@traces[[1]] show(tr1@stats) plot(tr1) }
Basic statistics on the data in Trace
and Stream
# length(x) # max(x, ...) mean(x, ...) # median(x, na.rm) # min(x, ...) sd(x, na.rm) parallelLength(x) parallelMax(x, na.rm) parallelMean(x, na.rm) parallelMedian(x, na.rm) parallelMin(x, na.rm) parallelSd(x, na.rm)
# length(x) # max(x, ...) mean(x, ...) # median(x, na.rm) # min(x, ...) sd(x, na.rm) parallelLength(x) parallelMax(x, na.rm) parallelMean(x, na.rm) parallelMedian(x, na.rm) parallelMin(x, na.rm) parallelSd(x, na.rm)
x |
a |
na.rm |
a logical specifying whether missing values should be removed |
... |
arguments to be passed to underlying methods, e.g. the
Trace methods
When x
is a Trace
object, methods length
, max
, mean
, median
and sd
operate on the data
slot of the Trace
and are
equivalent to, e.g., max(x@data, na.rm=FALSE)
Stream methods
When x
is a Stream
object, methods length
, max
, mean
, median
and sd
are applied to the concatenation of data from every
in the Stream
, treating this as a single data series.
The parallel~
versions of these methods are available only on Stream
and return a vector of values, one for each Trace
By default, the Stream-method
versions of these methods use na.rm=FALSE
as there
should be no missing datapoints in each Trace
. The Trace
methods default to
to accommodate merged traces where gaps have been filled with NA
For the simple statistics, a single numeric value is returned or NA
if the Trace
or Stream
has no data.
For the parallel~
versions of these methods, available on Stream
a numeric vector is returned of the same length as Stream@traces
See the R documentation on the respective base functions for further details.
The length.Stream
method only counts the number of actual data values in the individual
in the Stream
object. Missing values associated with the gaps
between Traces
are not counted.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Get the first trace and generate some statistics tr1 <- st@traces[[1]] length(tr1) max(tr1) mean(tr1) sd(tr1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Get the first trace and generate some statistics tr1 <- st@traces[[1]] length(tr1) max(tr1) mean(tr1) sd(tr1) ## End(Not run)
The butterworth
method of Trace
objects returns a new Trace
where data in the @data
slot have been modified by applying a Butterworth filter.
butterworth(x, n, low, high, type)
butterworth(x, n, low, high, type)
x |
a |
n |
filter order |
low |
frequency used in low- or stop/band-pass filters |
high |
frequency used in high or stop/band-pass filters |
type |
type of filter – |
This method creates a Butterworth filter with the specified characteristics and applies it to the Trace data.
When only n
and low
are specified, a high pass filter is applied.
When only n
and high
are specified, a low pass filter is applied.
When n
and both low
and high
are specified, a band pass filter is applied.
To apply a band stop filter you must specify n
, low
, high
and type='stop'
A new Trace
object is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
signal::butter, signal::filter
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Compare to the results in figure 2a of # # "Determination of New Zealand Ocean Bottom Seismometer Orientation # via Rayleigh-Wave Polarization", Stachnik et al. # # https://srl.geoscienceworld.org/content/83/4/704 # # (note: since publication, ZU.NZ19..BH1 has been renamed BH2 and ZU.NZ19..BH2 has been renamed BH1) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2009-02-18 22:01:07",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 630 verticalLines <- starttime + seq(30,630,100) # Get data stZ <- getSNCL(iris,"ZU.NZ19..BHZ",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getSNCL(iris,"ZU.NZ19..BH2",starttime,endtime) st1 <- getSNCL(iris,"ZU.NZ19..BH1",starttime,endtime) # Demean, Detrend, Taper trZ <- DDT(stZ@traces[[1]],TRUE,TRUE,0.05) tr2 <- DDT(st2@traces[[1]],TRUE,TRUE,0.05) tr1 <- DDT(st1@traces[[1]],TRUE,TRUE,0.05) # Bandpass filter trZ_f <- butterworth(trZ,2,0.02,0.04,type='pass') tr2_f <- butterworth(tr2,2,0.02,0.04,type='pass') tr1_f <- butterworth(tr1,2,0.02,0.04,type='pass') # 3 rows layout(matrix(seq(3))) # Plot plot(trZ_f) abline(v=verticalLines,col='gray50',lty=2) plot(tr2_f) abline(v=verticalLines,col='gray50',lty=2) plot(tr1_f) abline(v=verticalLines,col='gray50',lty=2) # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Compare to the results in figure 2a of # # "Determination of New Zealand Ocean Bottom Seismometer Orientation # via Rayleigh-Wave Polarization", Stachnik et al. # # https://srl.geoscienceworld.org/content/83/4/704 # # (note: since publication, ZU.NZ19..BH1 has been renamed BH2 and ZU.NZ19..BH2 has been renamed BH1) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2009-02-18 22:01:07",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 630 verticalLines <- starttime + seq(30,630,100) # Get data stZ <- getSNCL(iris,"ZU.NZ19..BHZ",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getSNCL(iris,"ZU.NZ19..BH2",starttime,endtime) st1 <- getSNCL(iris,"ZU.NZ19..BH1",starttime,endtime) # Demean, Detrend, Taper trZ <- DDT(stZ@traces[[1]],TRUE,TRUE,0.05) tr2 <- DDT(st2@traces[[1]],TRUE,TRUE,0.05) tr1 <- DDT(st1@traces[[1]],TRUE,TRUE,0.05) # Bandpass filter trZ_f <- butterworth(trZ,2,0.02,0.04,type='pass') tr2_f <- butterworth(tr2,2,0.02,0.04,type='pass') tr1_f <- butterworth(tr1,2,0.02,0.04,type='pass') # 3 rows layout(matrix(seq(3))) # Plot plot(trZ_f) abline(v=verticalLines,col='gray50',lty=2) plot(tr2_f) abline(v=verticalLines,col='gray50',lty=2) plot(tr1_f) abline(v=verticalLines,col='gray50',lty=2) # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
The crossSpectrum() function is based on R's spec.pgram() function and attempts to provide complete results of cross-spectral FFT analysis in a programmer-friendly fashion.
crossSpectrum(x, spans = NULL, kernel = NULL, taper = 0.1, pad = 0, fast = TRUE, demean = FALSE, detrend = TRUE, na.action = stats::na.fail)
crossSpectrum(x, spans = NULL, kernel = NULL, taper = 0.1, pad = 0, fast = TRUE, demean = FALSE, detrend = TRUE, na.action = stats::na.fail)
x |
multivariate time series |
spans |
vector of odd integers giving the widths of modified Daniell smoothers to be used to smooth the periodogram |
kernel |
alternatively, a kernel smoother of class "tskernel" |
taper |
specifies the proportion of data to taper. A split cosine bell taper is applied to this proportion of the data at the beginning and end of the series |
pad |
proportion of data to pad. Zeros are added to the end of the series to increase its length by the proportion pad |
fast |
logical. if TRUE, pad the series to a highly composite length |
demean |
logical. If TRUE, subtract the mean of the series |
detrend |
logical. If TRUE, remove a linear trend from the series. This will also remove the mean |
na.action |
NA action function |
The multivariate timeseries passed in as the first argument should be a union of two separate timeseries with the same sampling rate created in the following manner:
ts1 <- ts(data1,frequency=sampling_rate) ts2 <- ts(data2,frequency=sampling_rate) x <- ts.union(ts1,ts2)
The crossSpectrum() function borrows most of its code from R's spec.pgram() function. It omits any plotting functionality and returns a programmer-friendly dataframe of all cross-spectral components generated during Fourier analysis for use in calculating transfer functions.
The naming of cross-spectral components is borrowed from the Octave version of MATLAB's pwelch() function.
A dataframe with the following columns:
freq |
spectral frequencies |
spec1 |
'two-sided' spectral amplitudes for ts1 |
spec2 |
'two-sided' spectral amplitudes for ts2 |
coh |
magnitude squared coherence between ts1 and ts2 |
phase |
cross-spectral phase between ts1 and ts2 |
Pxx |
periodogram for ts1 |
Pyy |
periodogram for ts2 |
Pxy |
cross-periodogram for ts1 and ts2 |
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Normalization of Power Spectral Density estimates
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 st1 <- getDataselect(iris,"CI","PASC","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getDataselect(iris,"CI","PASC","10","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr1 <- st1@traces[[1]] tr2 <- st2@traces[[1]] # Both traces have a sampling rate of 40 Hz sampling_rate <- tr1@stats@sampling_rate ts1 <- ts(tr1@data,frequency=sampling_rate) ts2 <- ts(tr2@data,frequency=sampling_rate) # Calculate the cross spectrum DF <- crossSpectrum(ts.union(ts1,ts2),spans=c(3,5,7,9)) # Calculate the transfer function transferFunction <- DF$Pxy / DF$Pxx transferAmp <- Mod(transferFunction) transferPhase <- pracma::mod(Arg(transferFunction) * 180/pi,360) # 2 rows layout(matrix(seq(2))) # Plot plot(1/DF$freq,transferAmp,type='l',log='x', xlab="Period (sec)", main="Transfer Function Amplitude") plot(1/DF$freq,transferPhase,type='l',log='x', xlab="Period (sec)", ylab="degrees", main="Transfer Function Phase") # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 st1 <- getDataselect(iris,"CI","PASC","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getDataselect(iris,"CI","PASC","10","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr1 <- st1@traces[[1]] tr2 <- st2@traces[[1]] # Both traces have a sampling rate of 40 Hz sampling_rate <- tr1@stats@sampling_rate ts1 <- ts(tr1@data,frequency=sampling_rate) ts2 <- ts(tr2@data,frequency=sampling_rate) # Calculate the cross spectrum DF <- crossSpectrum(ts.union(ts1,ts2),spans=c(3,5,7,9)) # Calculate the transfer function transferFunction <- DF$Pxy / DF$Pxx transferAmp <- Mod(transferFunction) transferPhase <- pracma::mod(Arg(transferFunction) * 180/pi,360) # 2 rows layout(matrix(seq(2))) # Plot plot(1/DF$freq,transferAmp,type='l',log='x', xlab="Period (sec)", main="Transfer Function Amplitude") plot(1/DF$freq,transferPhase,type='l',log='x', xlab="Period (sec)", ylab="degrees", main="Transfer Function Phase") # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
method of Trace
objects returns a new Trace
where data in the @data
slot have been modified. This is typically required before
peforming any kind of spectral analysis on the seismic trace.
DDT(x, demean, detrend, taper)
DDT(x, demean, detrend, taper)
x |
a |
demean |
logical specifying whether to deman (default= |
detrend |
logical specifying whether to detrend (default= |
taper |
proportion of the signal to be tapered at each end (default=0.1) |
Use taper=0
for no tapering.
A new Trace
object is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # P-wave onset for a big quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:30:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 07:00:00", tz="GMT") result <- try(st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { tr <- st@traces[[1]] trClean <- DDT(tr,TRUE,TRUE,0.1) layout(matrix(seq(2))) plot(tr) abline(h=0,col='gray60') mtext("Raw",side=3,line=-2,adj=0.05,col='red') plot(trClean) abline(h=0,col='gray60') mtext("Demean - Detrend - Cosine Taper",line=-2,side=3,adj=0.05,col='red') } # Restore default layout layout(1)
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # P-wave onset for a big quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:30:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 07:00:00", tz="GMT") result <- try(st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { tr <- st@traces[[1]] trClean <- DDT(tr,TRUE,TRUE,0.1) layout(matrix(seq(2))) plot(tr) abline(h=0,col='gray60') mtext("Raw",side=3,line=-2,adj=0.05,col='red') plot(trClean) abline(h=0,col='gray60') mtext("Demean - Detrend - Cosine Taper",line=-2,side=3,adj=0.05,col='red') } # Restore default layout layout(1)
The envelope
method of Trace
objects returns a Trace
whose data have been replaced with the envelope of the seismic signal.
x |
a |
Before calculating the envelope, the seismic trace is 'cleaned up' by removing the mean, the trend and by applying a cosine taper. See DDT for more details.
The seismic envelope is defined as:
where is the seismic trace and
is the Hilbert transform of
A Trace
whose data have been replaced with the envelope of the seismic signal.
This algorithm is adapted from code in the seewave package.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 09:00:00", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] # Demean, detrend, cosine taper tr <- DDT(tr) # Create envelope version of the trace trenv <- envelope(tr) # Plot signal data and envelope data plot(tr@data, type='l', col='gray80') points(trenv@data, type='l', col='blue') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 09:00:00", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] # Demean, detrend, cosine taper tr <- DDT(tr) # Create envelope version of the trace trenv <- envelope(tr) # Plot signal data and envelope data plot(tr@data, type='l', col='gray80') points(trenv@data, type='l', col='blue') ## End(Not run)
The eventWindow
method of Trace
uses the picker returned by the STALTA()
to center a window around the the event detected by the picker.
eventWindow(x, picker, threshold, windowSecs)
eventWindow(x, picker, threshold, windowSecs)
x |
a |
picker |
a picker as returned by the |
threshold |
the threshold at which the picker is 'triggered' |
windowSecs |
the size of the window in secs |
This utility function uses the trace method triggerOnset()
to determine
p-wave onset followed by the slice()
method to return a new Trace
object of
the desired size centered near the event onset.
When no threshold value is supplied, the default value is calculated as:
A new Trace
object is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-21", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"US","OXF","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Seismic signal in third trace tr <- st@traces[[3]] # Create a picker picker <- STALTA(tr,3,30) threshold <- quantile(picker,0.99999,na.rm=TRUE) # 3 rows layout(matrix(seq(3))) # Plot trace and p-wave closeups closeup1 <- eventWindow(tr,picker,threshold,3600) closeup2 <- eventWindow(tr,picker,threshold,600) plot(tr) plot(closeup1,subsampling=1) abline(v=length(closeup1)/2, col='red') plot(closeup2,subsampling=1) abline(v=length(closeup2)/2, col='red') # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-21", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"US","OXF","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Seismic signal in third trace tr <- st@traces[[3]] # Create a picker picker <- STALTA(tr,3,30) threshold <- quantile(picker,0.99999,na.rm=TRUE) # 3 rows layout(matrix(seq(3))) # Plot trace and p-wave closeups closeup1 <- eventWindow(tr,picker,threshold,3600) closeup2 <- eventWindow(tr,picker,threshold,600) plot(tr) plot(closeup1,subsampling=1) abline(v=length(closeup1)/2, col='red') plot(closeup2,subsampling=1) abline(v=length(closeup2)/2, col='red') # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
The getAvailability
method obtains channel metadata for available channels from the EarthScope
web service and returns it in a dataframe.
getAvailability(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, includerestricted, latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius)
getAvailability(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, includerestricted, latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius)
obj |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channel |
character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
includerestricted |
optional logical identifying whether to report on restricted data (default= |
latitude |
optional latitude used when specifying a location and radius |
longitude |
optional longitude used when specifying a location and radius |
minradius |
optional minimum radius used when specifying a location and radius |
maxradius |
optional maximum radius used when specifying a location and radius |
The getAvailability
method uses the station web service to obtain data for all
available channels that meet the criteria defined by the arguments
and returns that data in a dataframe. Each row of the dataframe represents a unique channel-epoch.
This method is equivalent to the getChannel
method with the following additional parameters attached to the url:
Each of the arguments network
, station
, location
or channel
may contain
a valid code or a wildcard expression, e.g. "BH?" or "*". Empty strings are converted to "*".
Otherwise the ascii string that is used for
these values is simply inserted into the web service request URL.
(For non-available channels use getUnavailability
For more details see the web service documentation.
A dataframe with the following columns:
network, station, location, channel, latitude, longitude, elevation, depth, azimuth, dip, instrument, scale, scalefreq, scaleunits, samplerate, starttime, endtime, snclId
Rows are ordered by snclId
The snclId column, eg. "US.OCWA..BHE", is generated as a convenience. It is not part of the normal return from the station web service.
Note: The snclId
is not a unique identifier. If the time span of interest
crosses an epoch boundary where instrumentation was changed then multiple records (rows)
will share the same snclId
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope station web service:
This implementation was inspired by the functionality in the obspy get_stations() method.
, getChannel
, getUnavailability
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Date of Nisqually quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 # Use getEvent web service to retrieve events in this time period result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris,starttime,endtime,6.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { events # biggest event is Nisqually eIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) e <- events[eIndex[1],] # Find all BHZ channels collecting data at the time of the quake and within # 5 degrees of the quake epicenter result <- try(channels <- getAvailability(iris,"*","*","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime, lat=e$latitude,long=e$longitude,maxradius=5)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { channels } }
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Date of Nisqually quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 # Use getEvent web service to retrieve events in this time period result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris,starttime,endtime,6.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { events # biggest event is Nisqually eIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) e <- events[eIndex[1],] # Find all BHZ channels collecting data at the time of the quake and within # 5 degrees of the quake epicenter result <- try(channels <- getAvailability(iris,"*","*","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime, lat=e$latitude,long=e$longitude,maxradius=5)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { channels } }
The getChannel
method obtains channel metadata from the EarthScope station
web service
and returns it in a dataframe.
getChannel(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, includerestricted, latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius)
getChannel(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, includerestricted, latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius)
obj |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channel |
character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
includerestricted |
optional logical identifying whether to report on restricted data |
latitude |
optional latitude used when specifying a location and radius |
longitude |
optional longitude used when specifying a location and radius |
minradius |
optional minimum radius used when specifying a location and radius |
maxradius |
optional maximum radius used when specifying a location and radius |
The getChannel
method uses the station web service to obtain data for all channels that meet the criteria defined by the arguments
and returns that data in a dataframe. Each row of the dataframe represents a unique channel-epoch.
Each of the arguments network
, station
, location
or channel
may contain
a valid code or a wildcard expression, e.g. "BH?" or "*". Empty strings are converted to "*".
Otherwise the ascii string that is used for
these values is simply inserted into the web service request URL.
For more details see the webservice documentation.
A dataframe with the following columns:
network, station, location, channel, latitude, longitude, elevation, depth, azimuth, dip, instrument, scale, scalefreq, scaleunits, samplerate, starttime, endtime, snclId
Rows are ordered by snclId
The snclId column, eg. "US.OCWA..BHE", is generated as a convenience. It is not part of the normal return from the station web service.
Note: The snclId
s is not a unique identifier. If the time span of interest
crosses an epoch boundary where instrumentation was changed then multiple records (rows)
will share the same snclId
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope station webservice:
This implementation was inspired by the functionality in the obspy get_stations() method.
, getAvailability
, getUnavailability
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Date of Nisqually quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 # Use the getEvent web service to determine what events happened in this time period result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris,starttime,endtime,6.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { events # biggest event is Nisqually eIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) e <- events[eIndex[1],] } # Which stations in the US network are within 5 degrees of the quake epicenter? result <- try(stations <- getStation(iris,"US","*","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime, lat=e$latitude,long=e$longitude,maxradius=5)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { stations } # Get some detailed information on any BHZ channels at the "Octopus Mountain" station result <- try(channels <- getChannel(iris,"US","OCWA","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { channels }
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Date of Nisqually quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 # Use the getEvent web service to determine what events happened in this time period result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris,starttime,endtime,6.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { events # biggest event is Nisqually eIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) e <- events[eIndex[1],] } # Which stations in the US network are within 5 degrees of the quake epicenter? result <- try(stations <- getStation(iris,"US","*","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime, lat=e$latitude,long=e$longitude,maxradius=5)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { stations } # Get some detailed information on any BHZ channels at the "Octopus Mountain" station result <- try(channels <- getChannel(iris,"US","OCWA","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { channels }
The getDataAvailability
method obtains miniseed time extents from the EarthScope
web service and returns it in a dataframe.
getDataAvailability(obj, network, station, location, channel,starttime, endtime, mergequality, mergesamplerate, mergeoverlap, mergetolerance, includerestricted, excludetoolarge)
getDataAvailability(obj, network, station, location, channel,starttime, endtime, mergequality, mergesamplerate, mergeoverlap, mergetolerance, includerestricted, excludetoolarge)
obj |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channel |
character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
mergequality |
optional logical identifying if timespans with differing qualities are grouped together
(default= |
mergesamplerate |
optional logical identifying if timespans from data with differing sample rates are grouped
together (default= |
mergeoverlap |
optional logical identifying if overlapping timespans are merged together (default= |
mergetolerance |
optional numeric. Time spans separated by less than or equal to the mergetolerance value in seconds are merged together. To have an effect, the mergetolerance value must be larger than 1.5 times the sample period. This implements the mergegaps option in the fdsnws availability web service specification. |
includerestricted |
optional logical identifying whether to report on restricted data (default= |
excludetoolarge |
optional logical, if TRUE sets the fdsnws availability web service option "limit=500000". default= |
The getDataAvailability
method uses the FDSNWS availability service to obtain start and endtimes for all continuous trace
segments in the EarthScope (or other) archive for the requested network, station, location, channels and returns that data in a dataframe.
Each row of the dataframe represents a unique data trace extent.
Each of the arguments network
, station
, location
or channel
may contain
a valid code or a wildcard expression, e.g. "BH?" or "*". Empty strings are converted to "*".
Otherwise the ascii string that is used for these values is simply inserted into the web service request URL.
For more details see the web service documentation.
A dataframe with the following columns:
mergequality=TRUE and mergesamplerate=FALSE (defaults):
network, station, location, channel, samplerate, starttime, endtime, snclId
mergequality=TRUE and mergesamplerate=TRUE:
network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, snclId
mergequality=FALSE and mergesamplerate=FALSE:
network, station, location, channel, quality, samplerate, starttime, endtime, snclId
mergequality=FALSE and mergesamplerate=TRUE:
network, station, location, channel, quality, starttime, endtime, snclId
Rows are ordered by snclId
The snclId column, eg. "US.OCWA..BHE", is generated as a convenience. It is not part of the normal return from the station web service.
Gillian Sharer [email protected]
The EarthScope station web service:
https://service.earthscope.org/fdsnws/availability/1/ https://service.earthscope.org/ph5ws/availability/1/
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2018-01-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01",tz="GMT") network <- "TA" station <- "M22K" channel <- "BHZ" result <- try(traceList <- getDataAvailability(iris,network,station,"*",channel,starttime,endtime)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { traceList }
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2018-01-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01",tz="GMT") network <- "TA" station <- "M22K" channel <- "BHZ" result <- try(traceList <- getDataAvailability(iris,network,station,"*",channel,starttime,endtime)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { traceList }
The getDataselect
method makes a request of the EarthScope dataselect
webservice and returns a Stream
object in which individual Traces
have been sorted by start time.
getDataselect(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, ...)
getDataselect(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, ...)
obj |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channel |
character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
... |
optional arguments
This is the primary method for retrieving seismic data. Data requests are made through
the dataselect
webservice and returned data are parsed using the internal miniseed2Stream() function.
If the location argument contains an empty string to specify a 'blank' location code, a location
code of "--"
will be used in the dataselect request URL.
(See dataselect documentation.)
If inclusiveEnd=FALSE
, then getDataselect
will subtract 0.000001 seconds from the endtime before passing the
value to the dataselect
webservice. An endtime of, e.g., as.POSIXct("2016-01-03", tz="GMT")
will be passed
into dataselect
as end=2016-01-02T23:59:59.999999
. A data sample at time 2016-01-03T00:00:00 will not be returned
unless inclusiveEnd=TRUE
Error returns from the webservice will stop evaluation and generate an error message.
Sometimes the station webservice will return multiple records for the same SNCL, each with a different scale or starttime. These represent different epochs with potentially different metadata parameters for the SNCL and, by default, will cause a 'Multiple epochs' error message to be generated.
Handling all possible metadata differences so that the data may be merged is beyond the scope of this
package. Instead, to avoid errors, users may specify ignoreEpoch=TRUE
in which case
the very first SNCL-epoch encountered will be used and all others will be discarded.
For access to restricted data, getDataselect will look for system environmental variable "IrisClient_netrc" which should point to a .netrc authentication file.
A new Stream
object is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope dataselect webservice:
This implementation is similar in functionality to the obspy dataselect function:
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") options("nanotimeFormat"="%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%E9S") # Use getDataselect to request data for II.JTS.00.BHZ starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2001-03-01",tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris, "II","JTS","00","BHZ",starttime, endtime, inclusiveEnd=FALSE,ignoreEpoch=TRUE) # Display structure of trace(s) str(st) # Plot trace plot(st) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") options("nanotimeFormat"="%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%E9S") # Use getDataselect to request data for II.JTS.00.BHZ starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2001-03-01",tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris, "II","JTS","00","BHZ",starttime, endtime, inclusiveEnd=FALSE,ignoreEpoch=TRUE) # Display structure of trace(s) str(st) # Plot trace plot(st) ## End(Not run)
The getDistaz
method obtains great circle distance data from
the EarthScope distaz
web service.
getDistaz(obj, latitude, longitude, staLatitude, staLongitude)
getDistaz(obj, latitude, longitude, staLatitude, staLongitude)
obj |
an |
latitude |
latitude of seismic event |
longitude |
longitude of seismic event |
staLatitude |
latitude of seismic station |
staLongitude |
longitude of seismic station |
The distance-azimuth service will calculate the great-circle angular distance, azimuth, and back azimuth between two geographic coordinate pairs. Azimuth and back azimuth are measured clockwise from North.
A dataframe with the following columns:
ellipsoid.semiMajorAxis, ellipsoid.flattening, ellipsoid.name, fromlat, fromlon, tolat, tolon, azimuth,backAzimuth, distance, distanceMeters
Where fromlat
is the event latitude, fromlon
is the event longitude, tolat
is the station latitude, and tolon
is the station longitude. azimuth
, backAzimuth
, and distance
are measured in degrees. distanceMeters
is distance in meters.
, ellipsoid.flattening
, and ellipsoid.name
refer to the World Geodetic System standard coordinate system version used to correct for ellipticity when converting to geocentric latitudes.
Only a single row is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope distaz webservice:
The getEvalresp
method obtains instrument response data from
the EarthScope evalresp
getEvalresp(obj, network, station, location, channel, time, minfreq, maxfreq, nfreq, units, output, spacing)
getEvalresp(obj, network, station, location, channel, time, minfreq, maxfreq, nfreq, units, output, spacing)
obj |
an |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channel |
character string with the three letter channel code |
time |
POSIXct class specifying the time at which response is evaluated (GMT) |
minfreq |
optional minimum frequency at which response will be evaluated |
maxfreq |
optional maximum frequency at which response will be evaluated |
nfreq |
optional number of frequencies at which response will be evaluated |
units |
optional code specifying unit conversion |
output |
optional code specifying output type (default="fap") |
spacing |
optional code specifying spacing, accepted values are "lin" or "linear", "log" or "logarithmic" (default="log") |
The evalresp
webservice responds to requests with data that can be used to
remove instrument response from a seismic signal.
Each of network
, station
or channel
should contain
a valid code without wildcards. The ascii string that is used for
these values is simply passed through to evalresp
If the location
argument contains an empty string to specify a 'blank' location code, a location
code of "--"
will be used in the dataselect request URL.
(See dataselect documentation.)
The response from evalresp
is converted into a dataframe with rows in order of increasing frequency.
For output="fap"
, a dataframe with columns named:
freq, amp, phase
For output="cs"
, a dataframe with columns named:
freq, real, imag
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope evalresp webservice:
The getEvent
method obtains seismic event data from
the USGS NEIC event
getEvent(obj, starttime, endtime, minmag, maxmag, magtype, mindepth, maxdepth)
getEvent(obj, starttime, endtime, minmag, maxmag, magtype, mindepth, maxdepth)
obj |
an |
starttime |
POSIXct class limiting results to events occurring after starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class limiting results to events occurring before endtime (GMT) |
minmag |
optional minimum magnitude |
maxmag |
optional maximum magnitude |
magtype |
optional magnitude type |
mindepth |
optional minimum depth (km) |
maxdepth |
optional maximum depth (km) |
The getEvent
method uses the event web service to obtain data for all events that meet the criteria defined by the arguments
and returns that data in a dataframe. Each row of the dataframe represents a unique event.
calls to the EarthScope event webservice now go to https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/. If obj@site
is something
other than "https://service.iris.edu" or "https://service.earthscope.org", getEvent will point to obj@site
/fdsnws/event/1/. The event service must be able to output
A dataframe with the following columns:
eventId ,time, latitude, longitude, depth, author, cCatalog, contributor, contributorId, magType, magnitude, magAuthor, eventLocationName
Rows are ordered by time
NOTE: column names are identical to the names returned from the event web service with the exception of "latitude" for "lat" and "longitude" for "lon". The longer names are used for internal consistency – all other web services return columns named "latitude" and "longitude".
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The USGS event webservice: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/
## Not run: # NOTE: 'maps' and 'mapdata' packages must be installed #require(maps) #require(mapdata) # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get events > mag 5.0 over a week in June of 2012 starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-06-21", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 * 24 * 7 result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris, starttime, endtime, minmag=5.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { # Look at all events print(paste(nrow(events),"earthquakes found with magnitude > 5.0")) # Plot events on a map #map('world') #points(events$longitude, events$latitude, pch=16, cex=1.5, col='red') #labels <- paste(" ", as.character(round(events$magnitude,1)), sep="") #text(events$longitude, events$latitude, labels=labels, pos=4, cex=1.2, col='red3') } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # NOTE: 'maps' and 'mapdata' packages must be installed #require(maps) #require(mapdata) # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get events > mag 5.0 over a week in June of 2012 starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-06-21", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 * 24 * 7 result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris, starttime, endtime, minmag=5.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { # Look at all events print(paste(nrow(events),"earthquakes found with magnitude > 5.0")) # Plot events on a map #map('world') #points(events$longitude, events$latitude, pch=16, cex=1.5, col='red') #labels <- paste(" ", as.character(round(events$magnitude,1)), sep="") #text(events$longitude, events$latitude, labels=labels, pos=4, cex=1.2, col='red3') } ## End(Not run)
The getGaps
method calculates data dropouts that occur within the requested time
range associated with a Stream
A Stream
object returned by getDataselect
contains a list of individual
objects, each of which is guaranteed to contain a continuous array of
data in each Trace@data
slot. Each TraceHeader
also contains a starttime
an endtime
defining a period of uninterrupted data collection.
Data dropouts are determined by examining the requestedStartime
and requestedEndtime
slots associated with the Stream
and the starttime
and endtime
found in the each TraceHeader
getGaps(x, min_gap)
getGaps(x, min_gap)
x |
min_gap |
minimum gap (sec) below which gaps will be ignored (default=1/sampling_rate) |
This method first checks the SNCL id of each Trace
to make sure they are identical
and generates an error if they are not. Mismatches in the sampling_rate
will also generate
an error.
The data gaps (in seconds) within a Stream
determined and the associated sampling_rate
is used to calculate the number of
missing values in each gap. The length of the gaps
and nsamples
in the returned list will be one more than the number of Traces
(inital gap + gaps between traces + final gap).
Gaps smaller than min_gap
are set to 0
. Values of min_gap
than 1/sampling_rate
will be ignored and the default value will be used instead.
Overlaps will appear as gaps with negative values.
A list is returned with the following elements:
numeric vector of data gaps within a Stream
number of missing samples associated with each gap
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Save the gap analysis in a variable gapInfo <- getGaps(st) # See what information is availble names(gapInfo) # Look at a histogram of data dropouts hist(gapInfo$nsamples, breaks=50, main="Data Gaps in AK.PIN..BHZ Jan 24, 2012", xlab="number of missing samples per gap") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Save the gap analysis in a variable gapInfo <- getGaps(st) # See what information is availble names(gapInfo) # Look at a histogram of data dropouts hist(gapInfo$nsamples, breaks=50, main="Data Gaps in AK.PIN..BHZ Jan 24, 2012", xlab="number of missing samples per gap") ## End(Not run)
The getNetwork
method obtains network metadata from the EarthScope station web service
and returns it in a dataframe.
getNetwork(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, includerestricted, latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius)
getNetwork(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, includerestricted, latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius)
obj |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channel |
character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
includerestricted |
optional logical identifying whether to report on restricted data (default= |
latitude |
optional latitude used when specifying a location and radius |
longitude |
optional longitude used when specifying a location and radius |
minradius |
optional minimum radius used when specifying a location and radius |
maxradius |
optional maximum radius used when specifying a location and radius |
The getNetwork
method utilizes the station web service to return data for all stations that meet the criteria defined by the arguments
and returns that data in a dataframe. Each row of the dataframe represents a unique network.
Each of the arguments network
, station
, location
or channel
may contain
a valid code or a wildcard expression, e.g. "BH?" or "*". Empty strings are converted to "*".
Otherwise, the ascii string that is used for
these values is simply inserted into the web service request URL.
For more details see the web service documentation.
A dataframe with the following columns:
network, description, starttime, endtime, totalstations
Rows are ordered by network
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope station web service:
This implementation was inspired by the functionality in the obspy get_stations() method.
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Date of Nisqually quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 # Use the getEvent web service to determine what events happened in this time period result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris,starttime,endtime,6.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { events # biggest event is Nisqually eIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) e <- events[eIndex[1],] # Which seismic networks have BHZ stations within 5 degrees of the quake epicenter? result <- try(networks <- getNetwork(iris,"*","*","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime, lat=e$latitude,lon=e$longitude,maxradius=5)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { networks } }
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Date of Nisqually quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 # Use the getEvent web service to determine what events happened in this time period result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris,starttime,endtime,6.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { events # biggest event is Nisqually eIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) e <- events[eIndex[1],] # Which seismic networks have BHZ stations within 5 degrees of the quake epicenter? result <- try(networks <- getNetwork(iris,"*","*","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime, lat=e$latitude,lon=e$longitude,maxradius=5)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { networks } }
The getRotation
method makes a request of the EarthScope rotation
web service and returns a list of 3 Stream
getRotation(obj, network, station, location, channelSet, starttime, endtime, processing)
getRotation(obj, network, station, location, channelSet, starttime, endtime, processing)
obj |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channelSet |
the first two characters of the selected source channels |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
processing |
optional character string with processing commands |
The rotation
web service returns a triplet of seismic Streams, rotated according
to the processing commands.
If the location argument contains an empty string to specify a 'blank' location code, a location
code of "--"
will be used in the dataselect request URL.
The processing
parameter can be used to specify any type of processing supported by the
webs service. This string must begin with an ampersand and be ready to be appended to the request url, e.g.
. This gives the user complete control over the number
and order of processing commands.
(See rotation documentation.)
Error returns from the web service will stop evaluation and generate an error message.
A list of three Stream
objects is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope rotation web service:
The getSNCL() method is a convenience wrapper for the getSNCL() method
and returns a Stream
object in which individual Traces
have been sorted by start time.
getSNCL(obj, sncl, starttime, endtime, ...)
getSNCL(obj, sncl, starttime, endtime, ...)
obj |
sncl |
character string with the SNCL code |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
... |
optional arguments
The SNCL argument should be ordered network-station-location channel, e.g. IU.ANMO.00.LHZ
This argument is split into component parts which are then used in a call to the
getSNCL() method.
A new Stream
object is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope dataselect web service:
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Use getSNCL to request data for II.JTS.00.BHZ starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2001-03-01",tz="GMT") st <- getSNCL(iris, "II.JTS.00.BHZ",starttime, endtime, quality="M", repository="primary",inclusiveEnd=FALSE,ignoreEpoch=TRUE) # Display structure of trace(s) str(st) # Plot trace plot(st) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Use getSNCL to request data for II.JTS.00.BHZ starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2001-03-01",tz="GMT") st <- getSNCL(iris, "II.JTS.00.BHZ",starttime, endtime, quality="M", repository="primary",inclusiveEnd=FALSE,ignoreEpoch=TRUE) # Display structure of trace(s) str(st) # Plot trace plot(st) ## End(Not run)
The getStation
method obtains station metadata from the EarthScope station web service
and returns it in a dataframe.
getStation(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, includerestricted, latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius)
getStation(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, includerestricted, latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius)
obj |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channel |
character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
includerestricted |
optional logical identifying whether to report on restricted data |
latitude |
optional latitude used when specifying a location and radius |
longitude |
optional longitude used when specifying a location and radius |
minradius |
optional minimum radius used when specifying a location and radius |
maxradius |
optional maximum radius used when specifying a location and radius |
The getStation
method utilizes the station web service to obtain data for all stations that meet the criteria defined by the arguments
and returns that data in a dataframe. Each row of the dataframe represents a unique station.
Each of the arguments network
, station
, location
or channel
may contain
a valid code or a wildcard expression, e.g. "BH?" or "*". Empty strings are converted to "*".
Otherwise, the ascii string that is used for
these values is simply inserted into the web service request URL.
For more details see the web service documentation.
A dataframe with the following columns:
network, station, latitude, longitude, elevation, sitename, starttime, endtime
Rows are ordered by network-station
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope station web service:
This implementation was inspired by the functionality in the obspy get_stations() method.
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Date of Nisqually quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 # Use the getEvent web service to determine what events happened in this time period result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris,starttime,endtime,6.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { events # biggest event is Nisqually eIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) e <- events[eIndex[1],] # Which stations in the US network are within 5 degrees of the quake epicenter? result <- try(stations <- getStation(iris,"US","*","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime, lat=e$latitude,long=e$longitude,maxradius=5)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { stations } }
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Date of Nisqually quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-28",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 # Use the getEvent web service to determine what events happened in this time period result <- try(events <- getEvent(iris,starttime,endtime,6.0)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { events # biggest event is Nisqually eIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) e <- events[eIndex[1],] # Which stations in the US network are within 5 degrees of the quake epicenter? result <- try(stations <- getStation(iris,"US","*","*","BHZ",starttime,endtime, lat=e$latitude,long=e$longitude,maxradius=5)) if (inherits(result,"try-error")) { message(geterrmessage()) } else { stations } }
The getTimeseries
method makes a request of the EarthScope timeseries
webservice and returns a Stream
object in which individual Traces
have been sorted by start time.
getTimeseries(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime,...)
getTimeseries(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime,...)
obj |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channel |
character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
... |
optional arguments
This is an alternative method for retreiving seismic data that accepts optional processing commands.
Data requests are made through
the timeseries
webservice and returned data are parsed using
the internal miniseed2Stream() function.
If the location argument contains an empty string to specify a 'blank' location code, a location
code of "--"
will be used in the dataselect request URL.
The processing
parameter can be used to specify any type of processing supported by the
webs service. This string must begin with an ampersand and be ready to be appended to the request url, e.g.
. This gives the user complete control over the number
and order of processing commands.
(See timeseries documentation.)
If inclusiveEnd=FALSE
, then getDataselect
will subtract 0.000001 seconds from the endtime before passing the
value to the dataselect
webservice. An endtime of, e.g., as.POSIXct("2016-01-03", tz="GMT")
will be passed
into dataselect
as end=2016-01-02T23:59:59.999999
. A data sample at time 2016-01-03T00:00:00 will not be returned
unless inclusiveEnd=TRUE
Sometimes the station webservice will return multiple records for the same SNCL, each with a different scale or starttime. These represent different epochs with potentially different metadata parameters for the SNCL and, by default, will cause a 'Multiple epochs' error message to be generated.
Handling all possible metadata differences so that the data may be merged is beyond the scope of this
package. Instead, to avoid errors, users may specify ignoreEpoch=TRUE
in which case
the very first SNCL-epoch encountered will be used and all others will be discarded.
For access to restricted data, getDataselect will look for system environmental variable "IrisClient_netrc" which should point to a .netrc authentication file.
Error returns from the webservice will stop evaluation and generate an error message.
A new Stream
object is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope timeseries webservice:
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (use debug=TRUE so we can see the URLs generated) iris <- new("IrisClient",debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-06-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 24*3600 # Get raw data and processed data st1 <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","LHZ",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getTimeseries(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","LHZ",starttime,endtime,"&demean=true&taper=0.2,HANNING") layout(matrix(seq(2))) plot(st1) plot(st2) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (use debug=TRUE so we can see the URLs generated) iris <- new("IrisClient",debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-06-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 24*3600 # Get raw data and processed data st1 <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","LHZ",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getTimeseries(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","LHZ",starttime,endtime,"&demean=true&taper=0.2,HANNING") layout(matrix(seq(2))) plot(st1) plot(st2) ## End(Not run)
The getTraveltime
method obtains seismic traveltime data from
the EarthScope traveltime
web service and returns it in a dataframe.
getTraveltime(obj, latitude, longitude, depth, staLatitude, staLongitude)
getTraveltime(obj, latitude, longitude, depth, staLatitude, staLongitude)
obj |
an |
latitude |
latitude of seismic event |
longitude |
longitude of seismic event |
depth |
depth of seismic event |
staLatitude |
latitude of seismic station |
staLongitude |
longitude of seismic station |
The traveltime
web service calculates travel-times for seismic phases using a 1-D spherical earth model.
A dataframe with the following columns:
distance, depth, phaseName, travelTime, rayParam, takeoff, incident puristDistance, puristName
Rows are ordered by travelTime
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The EarthScope traveltime web service:
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Two days around the "Nisqually Quake" starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-27", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 * 24 * 2 # Find biggest seismic event over these two days -- it's the "Nisqually" events <- getEvent(iris, starttime, endtime, minmag=5.0) bigOneIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) bigOne <- events[bigOneIndex[1],] # Find US stations that are available within an hour of the event start <- bigOne$time end <- start + 3600 availability <- getAvailability(iris, "US", "", "", "BHZ", starttime=start, endtime=end, latitude=bigOne$latitude, longitude=bigOne$longitude, minradius=0, maxradius=10) # Get the station the furthest East minLonIndex <- which(availability$longitude == max(availability$longitude)) snclE <- availability[minLonIndex,] # Plot the BHZ signal from this station st <- getDataselect(iris,snclE$network,snclE$station,snclE$location,snclE$channel, start,end) # Check that there is only a single trace and then plot it length(st@traces) tr <- st@traces[[1]] plot(tr, subsampling=1) # need subsmpling=1 to add vertical lines with abline() # Find travel times to this station traveltimes <- getTraveltime(iris, bigOne$latitude, bigOne$longitude, bigOne$depth, snclE$latitude, snclE$longitude) # Look at the list traveltimes # mark the P and S arrival times pArrival <- start + traveltimes$travelTime[traveltimes$phaseName=="P"] sArrival <- start + traveltimes$travelTime[traveltimes$phaseName=="S"] abline(v=pArrival, col='red') abline(v=sArrival, col='blue') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Two days around the "Nisqually Quake" starttime <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-27", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 * 24 * 2 # Find biggest seismic event over these two days -- it's the "Nisqually" events <- getEvent(iris, starttime, endtime, minmag=5.0) bigOneIndex <- which(events$magnitude == max(events$magnitude)) bigOne <- events[bigOneIndex[1],] # Find US stations that are available within an hour of the event start <- bigOne$time end <- start + 3600 availability <- getAvailability(iris, "US", "", "", "BHZ", starttime=start, endtime=end, latitude=bigOne$latitude, longitude=bigOne$longitude, minradius=0, maxradius=10) # Get the station the furthest East minLonIndex <- which(availability$longitude == max(availability$longitude)) snclE <- availability[minLonIndex,] # Plot the BHZ signal from this station st <- getDataselect(iris,snclE$network,snclE$station,snclE$location,snclE$channel, start,end) # Check that there is only a single trace and then plot it length(st@traces) tr <- st@traces[[1]] plot(tr, subsampling=1) # need subsmpling=1 to add vertical lines with abline() # Find travel times to this station traveltimes <- getTraveltime(iris, bigOne$latitude, bigOne$longitude, bigOne$depth, snclE$latitude, snclE$longitude) # Look at the list traveltimes # mark the P and S arrival times pArrival <- start + traveltimes$travelTime[traveltimes$phaseName=="P"] sArrival <- start + traveltimes$travelTime[traveltimes$phaseName=="S"] abline(v=pArrival, col='red') abline(v=sArrival, col='blue') ## End(Not run)
The getUpDownTimes
method determines the on/off times for data collection within a Stream
and returns a list containing these times, ignoring Trace
s with a duration less than min_signal
as well as data dropouts that are less than min_gap
getUpDownTimes(x, min_signal, min_gap)
getUpDownTimes(x, min_signal, min_gap)
x |
min_signal |
minimum |
min_gap |
minimum gap in seconds (default=60) |
A Stream
object returned by getDataselect
contains a list of individual
objects, each of which is guaranteed to contain a continuous array of
data in the Trace@data
slot. Each Trace
also contains a starttime
and an endtime
a period of uninterrupted data collection. Data dropouts are determined by first rejecting any Trace
s of duration less than min_signal
The temporal spacing between Trace
s is then analyzed, ignoring spaces shorter than min_gap
This method first checks the SNCL id of each Trace
to make sure they are identical
and throws an error if they are not.
The first element returned is always the starttime
associated the first Trace
. The last element is always the
associated with the last trace. Thus, when the first element is identical to the starttime
of the web services data request this does not necessarily mean that the channel was down before this.
NOTE: Even when data are complete for the duration of the requested timespan, the last element returned may be earlier than the endtime
of the web services data request by up to a second.
A vector of POSIXct
datetimes associated with on/off transitions.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Determine up/down transitions, ignoring Traces < 3 min and gaps < 5 min upDownTimes <- getUpDownTimes(st, min_signal=180, min_gap=300) # Or just plot them directly plotUpDownTimes(st, min_signal=180, min_gap=300) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Determine up/down transitions, ignoring Traces < 3 min and gaps < 5 min upDownTimes <- getUpDownTimes(st, min_signal=180, min_gap=300) # Or just plot them directly plotUpDownTimes(st, min_signal=180, min_gap=300) ## End(Not run)
The hilbert
method of Trace
objects returns a Trace
whose data have been replaced with the Hilbert transform of the seismic signal.
x |
a |
Before calculating the Hilbert transform, the seismic trace is 'cleaned up' by removing the mean, the trend and by applying a cosine taper. See DDT for more details.
A Trace
whose data have been replaced with the Hilbert transform of the seismic signal.
This algorithm is adapted from code in the seewave package.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 09:00:00", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] # Create Hilbert transform of the trace trh <- hilbert(tr) # Plot signal data and hilbert data plot(tr@data, type='l', col='gray80') points(trh@data, type='l', col='blue') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 09:00:00", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] # Create Hilbert transform of the trace trh <- hilbert(tr) # Plot signal data and hilbert data plot(tr@data, type='l', col='gray80') points(trh@data, type='l', col='blue') ## End(Not run)
The hilbertFFT
function returns the complex Hilbert FFT of a timeseries signal.
x |
a numeric vector |
This function is intended for internal use by the hilbert() and envelope() methods of
A complex vector containing the Hilbert FFT of x
This algorithm is adapted from code in the seewave package.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 09:00:00", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] # Demean, detrend, cosine taper tr <- DDT(tr) # Calculate Hilbert FFT of the trace data hfft <- hilbertFFT(tr@data) # Plot signal, with Hilbert envelope layout(1) plot(tr@data, type='l', col='gray80', main="Signal and Envelope") points(Mod(hfft), type='l', col='blue') # 2 rows layout(matrix(seq(2))) # Show that Imaginary component of Hilbert transform has the # original signal shifted by 90 degrees ccf(tr@data,tr@data,lag.max=200,main="Auto-correlation of signal data") ccf(tr@data,Im(hfft),lag.max=200,main="90 deg phase shift with Hilber transform") # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 09:00:00", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] # Demean, detrend, cosine taper tr <- DDT(tr) # Calculate Hilbert FFT of the trace data hfft <- hilbertFFT(tr@data) # Plot signal, with Hilbert envelope layout(1) plot(tr@data, type='l', col='gray80', main="Signal and Envelope") points(Mod(hfft), type='l', col='blue') # 2 rows layout(matrix(seq(2))) # Show that Imaginary component of Hilbert transform has the # original signal shifted by 90 degrees ccf(tr@data,tr@data,lag.max=200,main="Auto-correlation of signal data") ccf(tr@data,Im(hfft),lag.max=200,main="90 deg phase shift with Hilber transform") # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
A class for making data and metadata requests from EarthScope web services.
:Object of class "character"
this is the first part of the url that the web service will be pointed to, defaults to https://service.earthscope.org
:Object of class "character"
defaults to fdsnws
; for data retrieval from the EarthScope PH5 repository, set this to ph5ws
:Object of class "logical"
when set to TRUE will cause any web service requestURL to be printed
:Object of class "character"
client identification string
makes a channel request of the station web service and returns the result as a dataframe; see getAvailability
makes a channel request of the station web service and returns the result as a dataframe; see getChannel
makes a channel request of the irisws availability web service and returns the result as a dataframe; see getDataAvailability
makes a request of the dataselect web service and returns a Stream
object; see getDataselect
makes a request of the distaz web service and returns a the information as a dataframe; see getDistaz
makes a request of the instrument response web service and returns the information as a dataframe; see getEvalresp
makes a request of the event web service and returns the information as a dataframe,
if site
='https://service.iris.edu' or site
='https://service.earthscope.org' then getEvent
will direct to "https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?";
see getEvent
makes a network request of the station web service and returns the result as a dataframe; see getNetwork
calls the getDataselect
method and returns a Stream
object; see getSNCL
makes a station request of the station web service and returns the result as a dataframe; see getStation
makes a request of the traveltime web service and returns the information as a dataframe; see getTraveltime
makes a channel request of the station web service and returns the result as a dataframe; see getUnavailability
The IrisClient
object is inspired by the clients.fdsn.client.Client
class found in the
python ObsPy package (https://docs.obspy.org/packages/autogen/obspy.clients.fdsn.client.Client.html).
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) mean(st) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) mean(st) ## End(Not run)
The McNamaraBins() function implements the binning algorithm specified in the "Data Preparation and Processing" section of Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions.
McNamaraBins(df, loFreq, hiFreq, alignFreq)
McNamaraBins(df, loFreq, hiFreq, alignFreq)
df |
an R |
loFreq |
optional lo end of frequency binning range (default=.005) |
hiFreq |
optional hi end of frequency binning range (default=10) |
alignFreq |
optional alignment frequency for determining frequency bins (default=0.1) |
The McNamaraBins() function accepts a dataframe with an arbitrary number of columns. At least one of the columns must be named 'freq' and must contain frequency values. These frequencies will be used to assign all associated values into appropriate bins according to the McNamara algorithm:
Frequencies for binning are generated at 1/8 octave intervals aligned to alignFreq
Binned values associated with each frequency bin are calculated by averaging incoming values over an entire octave
centered on that frequency.
A dataframe containing binned values is returned with the same column names as the incoming df
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
The McNamaraPSD() function implements the spectral density algorithm specified in the "Data Preparation and Processing" section of Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions.
McNamaraPSD(tr, loFreq=.005, hiFreq=10, alignFreq=0.1, binned=TRUE)
McNamaraPSD(tr, loFreq=.005, hiFreq=10, alignFreq=0.1, binned=TRUE)
tr |
a |
loFreq |
optional lo end of frequency binning range |
hiFreq |
optional hi end of frequency binning range |
alignFreq |
optional alignment frequency for determining frequency bins |
binned |
logical determining whether the return spectrum is binned |
This PSD algorithm is designed to be used on one to three hour segments of seismic data and will return a PSD
containing the (potentially binned) spectrum for that segment. See the psdList
function for
automatic segmenting of longer Stream
The McNamara PSD algorithm is similar to MATLAB's pwelch() function and has the following steps:
Calculate averaged spectrum
# Truncate incoming segment of trace data to nearest power of 2 samples. # Divide each truncated segment into 13 chunks with 75% overlap. The first # chunk begins at 0/16 and ends at 4/16. The 13'th chunk begins at 12/16 # and ends at 16/16. The chunks overlap like this: # # 1---5---9---3--- # 2---6---0--- # 3---7---1--- # 4---8---2--- # # Deman, detrend and taper the chunk. # Calculate the 'one-sided' spectrum for the chunk. # # Average together all 13 spectra to get an averaged spectrum.
Create smoothed version of spectrum with binning
When binned=TRUE
, McNamara style binning is
turned on and a smoothed spectrum is returned that contains many fewer points than the full spectrum.
When these arguments are not specified, binning is automatically turned off and the full spectrum is returned.
Frequencies for binning are generated at 1/8 octave intervals aligned to alignFreq
The power (dB) associated with each frequency bin is calculated by averaging over an entire octave
centered on that frequency.
Note: The spectra returned by McNamaraPSD() have not had instrument correction applied.
Use getEvalresp
to get instrument correction values for specific frequencies.
convert binned spectra to decibels
An R list
object with the following named elements:
freq, spec, snclq, starttime, endtime
Elements freq
and spec
are numeric vectors while snclq
, starttime
and endtime
are single values.
During the binning process, an arithmetic mean is used to average together power levels in decibels. This is equivalent to averaging of power levels before conversion to dB using a geometric mean.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
The mergeTraces
method of Stream
objects returns a new Stream
where all Traces
have been merged into a single Trace
. Gaps between
traces are replaced with values determined by the fillMethod
mergeTraces(x, fillMethod)
mergeTraces(x, fillMethod)
x |
fillMethod |
method to use when filling gaps between |
Available values for fillMethod
– gaps are filled with NA
(R's missing value flag)
– gaps are filled with 0.0
A new Stream
object containing a single Trace
is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-21", tz="GMT") st4 <- getDataselect(iris,"US","OXF","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) stm4 <- mergeTraces(st4) # plot merged trace plot(stm4@traces[[1]]) mtext(paste(length(st4@traces),"traces"), side=3, line=0.5, adj=0.05, cex=1.5) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-21", tz="GMT") st4 <- getDataselect(iris,"US","OXF","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) stm4 <- mergeTraces(st4) # plot merged trace plot(stm4@traces[[1]]) mtext(paste(length(st4@traces),"traces"), side=3, line=0.5, adj=0.05, cex=1.5) ## End(Not run)
The mergeUpDownTimes
function determines the overlaps in two sets of times representing up/down (on/off) periods for a single
or a set of channels. This function can be used to determine overall station up/down periods.
mergeUpDownTimes(udt1, udt2, bothOn)
mergeUpDownTimes(udt1, udt2, bothOn)
udt1 |
vector of |
udt2 |
vector of |
bothOn |
logical specifying whether overlaps are determined with |
When bothOn=FALSE
, the default, this function returns the times of transitions from "either to neither" and back.
When bothOn=TRUE
, this function returns the times of transitions from "both to either" and back.
If an empty vector is passed in for udt1
or udt2
then the other vector is returned unchanged. This can be useful
when merging the upDownTimes for multiple channels. See the example below.
A vector of POSIXct
datetimes associated with on/off transitions.
The vector of times in udt1
and udt2
has no information on the values of min_signal
or min_gap
were used to generate the timeseries. It is up to the user to make sure that the incoming vectors are appropriate for comparison.
See getUpDownTimes
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Three Streams, each with different upDownTimes starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-07-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-07-02", tz="GMT") stE <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","XMAS","10","BHE",starttime,endtime) stN <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","XMAS","10","BHN",starttime,endtime) stZ <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","XMAS","10","BHZ",starttime,endtime) udtE <- getUpDownTimes(stE) udtN <- getUpDownTimes(stN) udtZ <- getUpDownTimes(stZ) udtAll <- c() udtAny <- c() for (udt in list(udtE, udtN, udtZ)) { udtAll <- mergeUpDownTimes(udtAll,udt,bothOn=TRUE) udtAny <- mergeUpDownTimes(udtAny,udt,bothOn=FALSE) } # 5 rows layout(matrix(seq(5))) # Plot the results par(mar=c(3,4,3,2)) # adjust margins plotUpDownTimes(udtE); title("BHE") plotUpDownTimes(udtN); title("BHN") plotUpDownTimes(udtZ); title("BHZ") plotUpDownTimes(udtAll); title("ALL channels up") plotUpDownTimes(udtAny); title("ANY channel up") # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Three Streams, each with different upDownTimes starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-07-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-07-02", tz="GMT") stE <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","XMAS","10","BHE",starttime,endtime) stN <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","XMAS","10","BHN",starttime,endtime) stZ <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","XMAS","10","BHZ",starttime,endtime) udtE <- getUpDownTimes(stE) udtN <- getUpDownTimes(stN) udtZ <- getUpDownTimes(stZ) udtAll <- c() udtAny <- c() for (udt in list(udtE, udtN, udtZ)) { udtAll <- mergeUpDownTimes(udtAll,udt,bothOn=TRUE) udtAny <- mergeUpDownTimes(udtAny,udt,bothOn=FALSE) } # 5 rows layout(matrix(seq(5))) # Plot the results par(mar=c(3,4,3,2)) # adjust margins plotUpDownTimes(udtE); title("BHE") plotUpDownTimes(udtN); title("BHN") plotUpDownTimes(udtZ); title("BHZ") plotUpDownTimes(udtAll); title("ALL channels up") plotUpDownTimes(udtAny); title("ANY channel up") # Restore default layout layout(1) ## End(Not run)
objectThe miniseed2Stream
function converts raw miniSEED bytes into a Stream
miniseed2Stream(miniseed,url,requestedStarttime,requestedEndtime, sensor,scale,scalefreq,scaleunits,latitude,longitude, elevation, depth, azimuth,dip)
miniseed2Stream(miniseed,url,requestedStarttime,requestedEndtime, sensor,scale,scalefreq,scaleunits,latitude,longitude, elevation, depth, azimuth,dip)
miniseed |
a vector of raw bytes read from a miniSEED file |
url |
character source location (see getDataselect) |
requestedStarttime |
requestedEndtime |
sensor |
character description of the Sensor type associated with this Station-Network-Channel-Location (SNCL) (see Trace) |
scale |
character description of the InstrumentSensitivity associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
scalefreq |
numeric description of frequency at which the InstrumentSensitivity is correct, the SensitivityFrequency (see Trace) |
scaleunits |
character description of the InputUnits associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
latitude |
numeric latitude associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
longitude |
numeric longitude associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
elevation |
numeric elevation associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
depth |
numeric depth associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
azimuth |
numeric channel azimuth associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
dip |
numeric channel dip associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
This function takes raw bytes read in from a file or URL and converts them to a Stream
object. Metadata information is optional.
This function is primarily for internal use.
A Stream
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The multiplyBy
methods of Trace
and Stream
objects return like objects
where all @data
slots have been multiplied by a constant.
multiplyBy(x, y)
multiplyBy(x, y)
x |
a |
y |
a numeric multiplier |
A new Trace
or Stream
object is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2011-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform stRaw <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # obtain an instrument sensitivity value with getChannel metadata) c <- getChannel(iris, "AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime, endtime) sensitivityValue <- c$scale # convert raw data st <- multiplyBy(stRaw, 1/sensitivityValue) rmsVariance(st) # plot trace plot(st, ylab=c$scaleunits) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2011-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform stRaw <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # obtain an instrument sensitivity value with getChannel metadata) c <- getChannel(iris, "AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime, endtime) sensitivityValue <- c$scale # convert raw data st <- multiplyBy(stRaw, 1/sensitivityValue) rmsVariance(st) # plot trace plot(st, ylab=c$scaleunits) ## End(Not run)
This function converts a noiseMatrix
returned by either psdList2NoiseMatrix
or psdDF2NoiseMatrix
into a matrix of Probability Density values as defined by McNamara and Boaz 2005.
noiseMatrix2PdfMatrix(noiseMatrix, lo, hi, binSize)
noiseMatrix2PdfMatrix(noiseMatrix, lo, hi, binSize)
noiseMatrix |
a |
lo |
lowest frequency bin (power level in dB) for the PDF y-axis (default=-200) |
hi |
highest frequency bin (power level in dB) for the PDF y-axis (default=-50) |
binSize |
size in dB of each bin (default=1) |
The McNamara and Boaz paper describes creating histograms of the discretized power levels at each frequency bin associated with a set of PSDs. The value in each cell of the PDF matrix is the fraction of the corrected PSDs that have that power level at that frequency bin.
To return a PDF matrix that matches those in the McNamara paper, use the default settings.
A matrix
is returned with one row for each power level (-250:-50 dB) and one column for each frequency bin.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # Convert into corrected "noiseMatrix" noiseMatrix <- psdList2NoiseMatrix(psdList) # Convert into McNamara "pdfMatrix" pdfMatrix <- noiseMatrix2PdfMatrix(noiseMatrix) # NOTE: Data need to be flipped and tranposed for the XY axes in the # NOTE: image() function to match rows and columns in our pdfMatrix # Plot pdfMatrix image(t(pdfMatrix[,ncol(pdfMatrix):1]), col=c('gray90',rainbow(9)), axes=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # Convert into corrected "noiseMatrix" noiseMatrix <- psdList2NoiseMatrix(psdList) # Convert into McNamara "pdfMatrix" pdfMatrix <- noiseMatrix2PdfMatrix(noiseMatrix) # NOTE: Data need to be flipped and tranposed for the XY axes in the # NOTE: image() function to match rows and columns in our pdfMatrix # Plot pdfMatrix image(t(pdfMatrix[,ncol(pdfMatrix):1]), col=c('gray90',rainbow(9)), axes=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
The noiseModels
function returns the New High Noise Model and New Low Noise Model
from the Peterson paper referenced below. Values are returned for the specific frequencies specified in
the freq
freq |
a vector of frequencies at which to generate noise model values |
A list is returned with elements nhnm
and nlnm
containing the high and
low noise models, respectively.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Observations of Modeling and Seismic Background Noise (Peterson 1993) Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
The psdDF2NoiseMatrix
function uses the snclq
identifier associated with the
first PSD in the dataframe to obtain instrument correction information at the specified frequencies
from the getEvalresp
web service if instrumentation correction information is
not supplied as an argument. This correction is applied to every PSD in
the dataframe and the now corrected PSD values are returned as a matrix.
psdDF2NoiseMatrix(DF, evalresp=NULL)
psdDF2NoiseMatrix(DF, evalresp=NULL)
DF |
a dataframe of PSDs obtained from the |
evalresp |
dataframe of freq, amp, phase information matching output of |
This function is identical in behavior to psdList2NoiseMatrix
except that the input object
is a dataframe of PSD values obtained from the MUSTANG Backend Storage System.
A matrix
is returned with one row for each instrument-corrected PSD and one column for each frequency bin.
The incoming dataframe is checked to make sure that it represents only a single SNCL (Station-Network-Channel-Location). An error is generated if
more than one is found. However, the psdDF
is not checked to make sure that no changes to the
instrument correction happened during the time period covered by the psdDF
. This occurs at an 'epoch'
boundary when an instrument is replaced.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
The psdList
function subsets a seismic Stream
object into a series of
shorter segments with 50% overlap and uses the McNamaraPSD
method to return a smoothed (aka binned)
Power Spectral Density (PSD) for each segment.
st |
a |
A Stream
will be subset into segments depending upon the channel identifier (@stats@channel) associated
with this seismic data. The binning frequencies are also channel dependent as exemplified in
this code extract where Z
is the segment length in seconds:
alignFreq <- 0.1 if (stringr::str_detect(channel,"^L")) { Z <- 3 * 3600 loFreq <- 0.001 hiFreq <- 0.5 * tr_merged@stats@sampling_rate } else if (stringr::str_detect(channel,"^M")) { Z <- 2 * 3600 loFreq <- 0.0025 hiFreq <- 0.5 * tr_merged@stats@sampling_rate } else { Z <- 3600 loFreq <- 0.005 hiFreq <- 0.5 * tr_merged@stats@sampling_rate }
Each new segment starts half way through the previous segment. (50% overlap)
A list of PSD
objects is returned. Each element of the list is
an R list
object with the following elements:
freq, spec, snclq, starttime, endtime
Note: Individual PSDs have not had instrument correction applied.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # Plot uncorrected PSDs period <- 1/psdList[[1]]$freq plot(period, psdList[[1]]$spec, log='x', type='l', xlab="Period (Sec)", ylab="Power (dB)", main="Uncorrected PSDs") for (i in seq(2:length(psdList))) { points(period, psdList[[i]]$spec, type='l') } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # Plot uncorrected PSDs period <- 1/psdList[[1]]$freq plot(period, psdList[[1]]$spec, log='x', type='l', xlab="Period (Sec)", ylab="Power (dB)", main="Uncorrected PSDs") for (i in seq(2:length(psdList))) { points(period, psdList[[i]]$spec, type='l') } ## End(Not run)
The psdList2NoiseMatrix
function uses the snclq
identifier associated with the
first PSD in the list to obtain instrument correction information at the specified frequencies
from the getEvalresp
web service if instrumentation correction information is
not supplied as an argument. This correction is applied to every PSD in
the list and the now corrected PSD values are returned as a matrix.
psdList2NoiseMatrix(psdList, evalresp=NULL)
psdList2NoiseMatrix(psdList, evalresp=NULL)
psdList |
a list of PSDs generated by the |
evalresp |
dataframe of freq, amp, phase information matching output of |
A matrix
is returned with one row for each instrument-corrected PSD and one column for each frequency bin.
The psdList
function generates a psdList
from a single Stream
of data and should thus only
contain data for a single SNCL (Station-Network-Channel-Location). However, the psdList
is not checked to make sure that no changes to the
instrument correction happened during the time period covered by the psdList
. This occurs at an 'epoch'
boundary when an instrument is replaced.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # Convert into corrected "noiseMatrix" noiseMatrix <- psdList2NoiseMatrix(psdList) # Plot corrected PSDs period <- 1/psdList[[1]]$freq plot(period, noiseMatrix[1,], log='x', type='l', ylim=c(-200,-50), xlab="Period (Sec)", ylab="Power (dB)", main="Corrected PSDs") for (i in seq(2:nrow(noiseMatrix))) { points(period, noiseMatrix[i,], type='l') } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # Convert into corrected "noiseMatrix" noiseMatrix <- psdList2NoiseMatrix(psdList) # Plot corrected PSDs period <- 1/psdList[[1]]$freq plot(period, noiseMatrix[1,], log='x', type='l', ylim=c(-200,-50), xlab="Period (Sec)", ylab="Power (dB)", main="Corrected PSDs") for (i in seq(2:nrow(noiseMatrix))) { points(period, noiseMatrix[i,], type='l') } ## End(Not run)
The psdPlot
function is used to generate plots from the data in a psdList
or psdDF
psdPlot(PSDs, style='psd', evalresp=NULL, ylo=-200, yhi=-50, showNoiseModel=TRUE, showMaxMin=TRUE, showMode=TRUE, showMean=FALSE, showMedian=FALSE, ...)
psdPlot(PSDs, style='psd', evalresp=NULL, ylo=-200, yhi=-50, showNoiseModel=TRUE, showMaxMin=TRUE, showMode=TRUE, showMean=FALSE, showMedian=FALSE, ...)
PSDs |
either a list as returned by |
style |
character identifier of plot type: |
evalresp |
dataframe of freq, amp, phase information matching output of |
ylo |
numeric setting lower limit of plot y-axis (default= |
yhi |
numeric setting upper limit of plot y-axis (default= |
showNoiseModel |
logical controlling plotting of noise model lines (default= |
showMaxMin |
logical controlling plotting of PSD max and min lines (default= |
showMode |
logical controlling plotting of PDF mode line (default= |
showMean |
logical controlling plotting of PSD mean line (default= |
showMedian |
logical controlling plotting of PSD median line (default= |
... |
arguments to be passed to plotting methods |
The psdPlot
function creates visualizations for sets of PSDs. Plots generated with style='pdf'
mimic the plots presented in the McNamara paper.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # 'psd' line plot psdPlot(psdList,style='psd',type='l',col=adjustcolor('black',0.3)) # McNamara 'pdf' plot psdPlot(psdList,style='pdf') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # 'psd' line plot psdPlot(psdList,style='psd',type='l',col=adjustcolor('black',0.3)) # McNamara 'pdf' plot psdPlot(psdList,style='pdf') ## End(Not run)
The psdStatistics
function calculates a variety of information associated with the incoming set of PSDs.
psdStatistics(PSDs, evalresp=NULL)
psdStatistics(PSDs, evalresp=NULL)
PSDs |
either a list as returned by |
evalresp |
dataframe of freq, amp, phase information matching output of |
A list of elements:
– matrix of corrected power levels; rows=PSDs, columns=frequencies
– matrix of probability density values; rows=dB level, columns=frequencies
– vector of frequencies associated statistics vectors and with matrix columns
– vector of power values (dB) associated with pdfMatrix
– maximum power level at each frequency
– minimum power level at each frequency
– mean power level at each frequency
– median power level at each frequency
– mode of power level at each frequency (obtained from pdfMatrix
– low noise model power level at each frequency
– high noise model power level at each frequency
– percent of PSDs above the high noise model at each frequency
– percent of PSDS below the low noise model at each frequency
A variety of plots can be generated form the information in this list.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # Generate Statistics stats <- psdStatistics(psdList) # Just for fun plot logPeriod <- log10(1/stats$freq) plot(logPeriod,stats$max,ylim=c(-200,-50), las=1, xlab="log10(period)", ylab="Power (dB)", main="Model 'normal background noise' area and area of seismic signal.") points(logPeriod,stats$min) # Overlay a polygon showing the range between the noise models x <- c(logPeriod,rev(logPeriod),logPeriod[1]) y <- c(stats$nhnm,rev(stats$nlnm),stats$nhnm[1]) transparentBlack <- adjustcolor('black',0.4) polygon(x,y,col=transparentBlack) # Overlay a polygon showing the range of measured values y <- c(stats$max,rev(stats$min),stats$max[1]) transparentBlue <- adjustcolor('blue',0.6) polygon(x,y,col=transparentBlue) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") # 2011.125 endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment psdList <- psdList(st) # Generate Statistics stats <- psdStatistics(psdList) # Just for fun plot logPeriod <- log10(1/stats$freq) plot(logPeriod,stats$max,ylim=c(-200,-50), las=1, xlab="log10(period)", ylab="Power (dB)", main="Model 'normal background noise' area and area of seismic signal.") points(logPeriod,stats$min) # Overlay a polygon showing the range between the noise models x <- c(logPeriod,rev(logPeriod),logPeriod[1]) y <- c(stats$nhnm,rev(stats$nlnm),stats$nhnm[1]) transparentBlack <- adjustcolor('black',0.4) polygon(x,y,col=transparentBlack) # Overlay a polygon showing the range of measured values y <- c(stats$max,rev(stats$min),stats$max[1]) transparentBlue <- adjustcolor('blue',0.6) polygon(x,y,col=transparentBlue) ## End(Not run)
objectThe readMiniseedFile
function converts a raw miniSEED file into a Stream
readMiniseedFile(file,sensor,scale,scalefreq,scaleunits, latitude,longitude,elevation,depth,azimuth,dip)
readMiniseedFile(file,sensor,scale,scalefreq,scaleunits, latitude,longitude,elevation,depth,azimuth,dip)
file |
character path of a miniSEED file |
sensor |
character description of the Sensor associated with this Station-Network-Channel-Location (SNCL) (see Trace) |
scale |
numeric description of the InstrumentSensitivity associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
scalefreq |
numeric description of frequency at which the InstrumentSensitivity is correct, the SensitivityFrequency (see Trace) |
scaleunits |
character description of the InputUnits associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
latitude |
numeric latitude associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
longitude |
numeric longitude associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
elevation |
numeric elevation associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
depth |
numeric depth associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
azimuth |
numeric channel azimuth associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
dip |
numeric channel dip associated with this SNCL (see Trace) |
This function reads in a raw miniSEED file and converts it to a Stream
object. Metadata information is optional.
A Stream
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The rms
and rmsVariance
methods of Trace
and Stream
objects compute the
Root Mean Square (RMS) amplitude or RMS variance of the associated data in each object.
RMS variance removes the DC level from the seismic signal so that the zero line
is consistent.
rms(x, na.rm) parallelRms(x, na.rm) rmsVariance(x, na.rm) parallelRmsVariance(x, na.rm)
rms(x, na.rm) parallelRms(x, na.rm) rmsVariance(x, na.rm) parallelRmsVariance(x, na.rm)
x |
a |
na.rm |
a logical specifying whether missing values should be removed |
Trace method
The RMS amplitude of a single Trace
is calculated as:
The RMS variance of a single Trace
is calculated as:
where is the vector of data values and
is the length of that vector.
Stream methods
For Stream
objects, data from all Trace
s in the stream
are first extracted and concatenated into a single numeric vector after which the
algorithm is applied.
The parallel~
version of this method is only available on Stream
and returns a vector of values, one for each Trace
By default, the Stream
versions of these methods use na.rm=FALSE
as there
should be no missing datapoints in each Trace
. The Trace
methods default to
to accommodate merged traces where gaps between traces have been
filled with NA
A single numeric value is returned or NA
if the trace has no data.
A numeric vector is returned for parallelRmsVariance
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Get the first trace and generate some statistics tr <- st@traces[[1]] rmsVariance(tr) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Get the first trace and generate some statistics tr <- st@traces[[1]] rmsVariance(tr) ## End(Not run)
The rotate2D() function rotates the two horizontal components of a
seismic signal into Radial and Transverse components returned as a list of 2 Stream
rotate2D(st1, st2, angle)
rotate2D(st1, st2, angle)
st1 |
horizontal |
st2 |
horizontal |
angle |
angle (degrees) of the rotation |
The rotation
web service returns Radial and Transverse seismic Streams, generated by
rotating st1
and st2
by angle
The rotation service uses the following transformation matrix to change the output vectors for 2-D horizontal transformations
where :
N and E represent data from the original (horizontal) orientations. R and T represent the Radial and Transverse components. \eqn{\alpha} is the azimuth angle measured clockwise from north.
A list of two Stream
objects stR
and stT
is returned.
N and E are determined by the Stream
@stats@azimuth values. If Stream
@stats@azimuth values are not defined,
st1 is assumed to be N and st2 is assumed to be E. Orthogonality is also assumed to be correct.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
EarthScope rotation web service:
or Stream
The slice
methods of Trace
and Stream
objects return like objects
that are subsets of the original.
slice(x, starttime, endtime)
slice(x, starttime, endtime)
x |
a |
starttime |
time at which the slice should begin |
endtime |
time at which the slice should end |
The returned object will always be a subset of the x
argument whose time range is the
intersection of the original time range and the requested range. When there is no intersection
or when starttime > endtime
an error is generated.
All metadata associated with the returned Trace
or Stream
will reflect
the new object, rather than the original.
A new Trace
or Stream
object is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-21", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"US","OXF","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # This Stream object consists of 5 Traces length(st@traces) # Plotting the third trace shows a small quake plot(st@traces[[3]]) # We can slice out the hour that has the quake signal sliceStart <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20 10:30:00", tz="GMT") sliceEnd <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20 11:30:00", tz="GMT") stSlice <- slice(st, sliceStart, sliceEnd) # Now we only have one Trace of an hour duration length(stSlice@traces) stSlice@traces[[1]]@stats # And a better look at the quake signal plot(stSlice@traces[[1]]) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-21", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"US","OXF","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # This Stream object consists of 5 Traces length(st@traces) # Plotting the third trace shows a small quake plot(st@traces[[3]]) # We can slice out the hour that has the quake signal sliceStart <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20 10:30:00", tz="GMT") sliceEnd <- as.POSIXct("2002-04-20 11:30:00", tz="GMT") stSlice <- slice(st, sliceStart, sliceEnd) # Now we only have one Trace of an hour duration length(stSlice@traces) stSlice@traces[[1]]@stats # And a better look at the quake signal plot(stSlice@traces[[1]]) ## End(Not run)
method of Trace
objects applies one of several STA/LTA
"first break picking" algorithms to Trace
data in order to automatically
detect seismic events.
STALTA(x, staSecs, ltaSecs, algorithm, demean, detrend, taper, increment)
STALTA(x, staSecs, ltaSecs, algorithm, demean, detrend, taper, increment)
x |
a |
staSecs |
length of the Short averaging window in secs (default=3) |
ltaSecs |
length of the Long averaging windowin secs (default=30) |
algorithm |
algorithm to be used (default="classic_LR") |
demean |
boolean flag determining whether to demean the data before applying the algorithm (default= |
detrend |
boolean flag determining whether to detrend the data before applying the algorithm (default= |
taper |
proportion of the signal to be tapered at each end before applying the algorithm (default=0.0) |
increment |
the increment to use when sliding the averaging windows to the next location (default=1). |
By default, this method uses the "classic_LR" algorithm which calculates the average power in the Trace
data over a short window (STA) and a long window (LTA). With this algorithm, windows are "left/right aligned" meaning
that the point for which STA/LTA is calculated is at the lefttmost edge of the STA window
and the rightmost edge of the LTA window.
The resulting STA/LTA ratio thus has the same number of points as the original data. This is a standard method
of "first break picking" and can be used to identify the onset of a seismic event.
Three different algorithms are currently available:
1) algorithm="classic_RR"
This is the original STA/LTA algorithm with "right alignment".
[---------- LTA ---------*] [-- STA -*]
2) algorithm="classic_LR"
(default) This algorithm has the index at the left edge of the STA window
and the right edge of the LTA window
[---------- LTA --------*] [*- STA --]
3) algorithm="EarleAndShearer_envelope"
[---------- LTA ---------*] [*- STA --]
where is the Hilbert transform of the data and
is the 'envelope' of the seismic signal.
Note that because the Hilbert transform involves performing an FFT of the data it can take significantly longer
than the "classic" algorithms for longer seismic signals (>500K pts).
A vector of values is returned of the same length as the data in the Trace
The returned vector will contain NA
near the edges of the trace where insufficient data are available to fill the windows.
Additional NA
values will appear for every index that is skipped over when the increment
parameter is greater than one.
For higher resolution channels, picking an increment of 2/sampling_rate
can greatly speed up processing times and still generate reasonable results.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
First break picking (Wikipedia)
Automatic time-picking of first arrivals on large seismic datasets
Automatic first-breaks picking: New strategies and algorithms (Sabbione and Velis 2010)
Adaptive microseismic event detection and automatic time picking (Akram and Eaton 2012)
"Characterization of Global Seismograms Using an Automatic-Picking Algorithm" Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 84, No. 2, pp. 366-376, April 1994 (Earle and Shearer)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-28",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] picker <- STALTA(tr,3,30) # Plot the trace and overlay the picker plot(tr) par(new=TRUE) plot(picker, type='l', col='red', axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") mtext("Picker", side=1, line=-8, adj=0.05, col='red') par(new=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-28",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] picker <- STALTA(tr,3,30) # Plot the trace and overlay the picker plot(tr) par(new=TRUE) plot(picker, type='l', col='red', axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") mtext("Picker", side=1, line=-8, adj=0.05, col='red') par(new=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
A Stream
object containing a list of Trace
Objects are typically created by calls to getDataselect.
:Object of class "character"
URL request used to generate this Stream
:Object of class "POSIXct"
starttime used when requesting data with getDataselect
:Object of class "POSIXct"
endtime used when requesting data with getDataselect
:Object of class "integer"
Accumulators for the act_flags bits in each miniSEED record.
:Object of class "integer"
Accumulators for the io_flags bits in each miniSEED record.
:Object of class "integer"
Accumulators for the dq_flags bits in each miniSEED record.
:Object of class "numeric"
Average timing quality associated with miniSEED records.
:Object of class "list"
List of Trace
returns information on data dropouts between Traces
; see getGaps
signature(x="Stream", min_signal="numeric", min_gap="numeric")
returns a vector of datetimes associated with channel up/down transitions; see getUpDownTimes
returns the total number of data points in all Traces
returns the overall data maximum for all data in all Traces
signature(x="Stream", na.rm= "logical")
returns the overall data median for all data in all Traces
returns the overall data mean for all data in all Traces
signature(x="Stream", fillMethod="fillNA")
returns a new Stream
object where all Traces
have been merged into a single Trace
returns the overall data minimum for all data in all Traces
signature(x="Stream", y="numeric")
returns a new Stream
object where the data in every Trace
have been multiplied by y; see multiplyBy
returns a vector of data lengths, one for each Trace
returns a vector of data maxima, one for each Trace
signature(x="Stream", na.rm= "logical")
returns a vector of data medians, one for each Trace
returns a vector of data means, one for each Trace
returns a vector of data minima, one for each Trace
returns a vector of RMS calculations, one for each Trace
; see rmsVariance
returns a vector of RMS variance calculations, one for each Trace
; see rmsVariance
signature(x="Stream", na.rm="logical")
returns a vector of standard deviation calculations, one for each Trace
default plot of the merged Traces
in a Stream
with appropriate labeling
signature(x="Stream", min_signal="numeric", min_gap="numeric")
plots the times at which a Stream
transitions from data collection to non-collection (on/off); see getUpDownTimes
returns the overall Root Mean Square amplitude for all data in all Traces
; see rmsVariance
returns the overall RMS variance for all data in all Traces
; see rmsVariance
signature(x="Stream", na.rm="logical")
returns the overall standard deviations for all data in all Traces
signature(x="Stream", starttime="POSIXct", endtime="POSIXct")
returns a new Stream
sliced out of an existing Stream
(see slice)
returns a vector of SNCLQ identifiers, one for each Trace
The Stream
object is inspired by the Stream
class found in the
python ObsPy package (https://docs.obspy.org/packages/autogen/obspy.core.stream.Stream.html).
The miniSEED flags and timing_qual values are described in the SEED manual (https://www.fdsn.org/seed_manual/SEEDManual_V2.4.pdf). The "accumulators" contain counts of the number of times each bit flag was set during the parsing of a miniSEED file. These attributes are retained primarily for assessing data quality issues within the EarthScope.
The following code documentation describes how each of the flags is used within miniSEED files:
# act_flags # [1] Calibration signals present # [2] Time correction applied # [3] Beginning of an event, station trigger # [4] End of an event, station detrigger # [5] A positive leap second happened in this record # [6] A negative leap second happened in this record # [7] Event in progress # [8] Undefined bit set # io_flags # [1] Station volume parity error possibly present # [2] Long record read (possibly no problem) # [3] Short record read (record padded) # [4] Start of time series # [5] End of time series # [6] Clock locked # [7] Undefined bit set # [8] Undefined bit set # dq_flags # [1] Amplifier saturation detected # [2] Digitizer clipping detected # [3] Spikes detected # [4] Glitches detected # [5] Missing/padded data present # [6] Telemetry synchronization error # [7] A digital filter may be charging # [8] Time tag is questionable
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) min(st) median(st) mean(st) max(st) sd(st) rms(st) rmsVariance(st) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) min(st) median(st) mean(st) max(st) sd(st) rms(st) rmsVariance(st) ## End(Not run)
The surfaceDistance() function calculates the distance in kilometers between any two lat-lon pairs using the Haversine equation.
surfaceDistance(lat1_deg, lon1_deg, lat2_deg, lon2_deg)
surfaceDistance(lat1_deg, lon1_deg, lat2_deg, lon2_deg)
lat1_deg |
latitude 1 (degrees) |
lon1_deg |
longitude 1 (degrees) |
lat2_deg |
latitude 2 (degrees) |
lon2_deg |
longitude 2 (degrees) |
Distance in kilometers
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
A Trace
object containing a seismic trace – a continuous timeseries.
Objects occupy the traces
slot of a Stream-class object and are typically
populated by calls to getDataselect.
:Object of class "character"
Unique "SNCL" identifier specifying the Network, Station, Location, Channel and Quality factor
associated with this trace: eg. AK.PIN..VEA.M
. The id
is generated automatically
when the trace is first created and is intended for read only.
:Object of class "character"
Instrument name.
:Object of class "numeric"
The total sensitivity for a channel, representing the complete acquisition system expressed as a scalar.
Equivalent to SEED stage 0 gain.
:Object of class "numeric"
The frequency at which the total sensitivity is correct.
:Object of class "character"
The units of the data as input from the perspective of data acquisition.
After correcting data for this response, these would be the resulting units.
:Object of class "TraceHeader"
Container with metadata information describing the trace. (see TraceHeader-class)
:Object of class "numeric"
: Vector of data values.
returns the data slot; equivalent to x@data
signature(x="Trace", demean="logical", detrend="logical", taper="numeric")
returns a new trace that has been 'cleaned up' for further processing by applying demean, detrend, and taper techniques (see DDT)
returns the envelope of the seismic signal (see envelope)
returns TRUE
if trace data consist of a DC signal
returns the length of the data; equivalent to length(x@data)
returns the maximum value of the data; equivalent to max(x@data)
signature(x="Trace", na.rm="logical")
returns the median value of the data; equivalent to median(x@data)
returns the mean value of the data; equivalent to mean(x@data)
returns the minimum value of the data; equivalent to min(x@data)
signature(x="Trace", y="numeric")
returns a new Trace
where the data have been multiplied by y (see multiplyBy)
default plot of the Trace
data with appropriate labeling
returns the Root Mean Square amplitude of the data (see rms)
returns the RMS variance of the data (see rmsVariance)
signature(x="Trace", na.rm="logical")
returns the standard deviation of the data; equivalent to sd(x@data)
signature(x="Trace", starttime="POSIXct", endtime="POSIXct")
returns a new Trace
subset of an existing Trace
(see slice)
signature(x="Trace",staSecs="numeric",ltaSecs="numeric",algorithm="character", ...)
returns the STALTA picker result (see STALTA)
signature(x="Trace", picker="numeric", threshold="numeric", ...)
returns the time or index of an event onset as determined by the STALTA picker (see triggerOnset)
The Trace
object is inspired by the Trace
class found in the
python ObsPy package (https://docs.obspy.org/packages/autogen/obspy.core.trace.Trace.html).
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Set the starttime and endtime starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Get the first trace and generate some statistics tr1 <- st@traces[[1]] min(tr1) median(tr1) mean(tr1) max(tr1) sd(tr1) rms(tr1) rmsVariance(tr1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Set the starttime and endtime starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Get the first trace and generate some statistics tr1 <- st@traces[[1]] min(tr1) median(tr1) mean(tr1) max(tr1) sd(tr1) rms(tr1) rmsVariance(tr1) ## End(Not run)
A container for metadata associated with a Trace
object. Originally populated by information in the miniseed trace header; it now has the option of including additional station and channel metadata.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("TraceHeader", headerList, headerLine, ...)
The stats
slot of a Trace
object will contain a TraceHeader
typically populated by a webservice request. (see IrisClient-class)
:Object of class "numeric"
: Sampling rate in hertz.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Sample interval in seconds.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Calibration factor.
:Object of class "integer"
: Number of sample points.
:Object of class "character"
: Seismic network name.
:Object of class "character"
: Location code.
:Object of class "character"
: Station name.
:Object of class "character"
: Channel code.
:Object of class "character"
: Data quality code.
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: Start time.
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: End time.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Latitude.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Longitude.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Elevation.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Depth.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Azimuth.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Dip.
:Object of class "list"
: Information strings describing processing applied to this trace.
signature(obj = "TraceHeader")
Prints out the information in the TraceHeader
as an ascii header line, not including any station and channel metadata not found in the miniseed trace header, e.g.,
TIMESERIES LD_POTS__HHZ_M, 351 samples, 100.503 sps, \ 2012-01-29T00:00:00.006000, SLIST, INTEGER, COUNTS
signature(object = "TraceHeader")
: Prettyprints the information in the TraceHeader
The TraceHeader
object is inspired by the Stats
class found in the
python ObsPy package (https://docs.obspy.org/packages/autogen/obspy.core.trace.Stats.html).
Retaining the ObsPy class name Stats
would have generated a tremendous amount of
confusion in the context of R. Instead, the name
has been adopted. Nevertheless, the TraceHeader
object still lives in the
slot to retain as much similarity to ObsPy as possible.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Get the first trace and show the associated metadata tr1 <- st@traces[[1]] show(tr1@stats) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Get the first trace and show the associated metadata tr1 <- st@traces[[1]] show(tr1@stats) ## End(Not run)
The transferFunctionSpectra
function returns a frequency-amplitude-phase response from the service.earthscope.org/iris/ws/evalresp web service for a seismic Stream
using sampling_rate to determine frequency limits. The IRISMustangMetrics::transferFunctionMetric expects this output as evalresp input.
st |
a |
sampling_rate |
sample rate |
The transferFunctionSpectra
/determines the minfreq, maxfreq, and nfreq for input to the
function based on input sample rate. Other getEvalresp inputs are units='def' (default)
and output='fap' (frequency-amplitude-phase).
will always call getEvalresp
using the service.earthscope.org/irisws/evalresp
web service. The IRISMustangMetrics::transferFunctionMetric expects this output as evalresp input.
Output is a dataframe with columns named:
freq, amp, phase
Mary Templeton [email protected]
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) sampling_rate <- 20 # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment evalresp <- transferFunctionSpectra(st,sampling_rate) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-05", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 1*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","GRFO","--","BHE",starttime,endtime) sampling_rate <- 20 # Generate power spectral density for each hour long segment evalresp <- transferFunctionSpectra(st,sampling_rate) ## End(Not run)
The triggerOnset
method of Trace
objects uses the numeric vector returned by
"first break picking" method and a user selected threshold to determine the
arrival time of a seismic event.
triggerOnset(x, picker, threshold, index)
triggerOnset(x, picker, threshold, index)
x |
a |
picker |
results from applying the |
threshold |
optional numeric value of the threshold at which triggering should occur |
index |
optional logical to return the index (rather than the time) of event onset (default= |
This method simply identifies the point at which the picker
first rises above the threshold
When no threshold
is supplied, an appropriate value is calculated from the picker with:
threshold <- quantile(picker,0.999,na.rm=TRUE)
A single value is returned identifying the onset of the seismic event or NA
if none is detected.
The returned value wil be a POSIXct
time by defult or a numeric index if index=TRUE
The appropriate value for the threshold will depend upon the exact STA/LTA algorithm used and the noise level in the signal.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:00:00",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 09:00:00",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] picker <- STALTA(tr,3,30) # Identify the onset of the event to <- triggerOnset(tr,picker) plot(tr) abline(v=to, col='red', lwd=2) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:00:00",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 09:00:00",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] picker <- STALTA(tr,3,30) # Identify the onset of the event to <- triggerOnset(tr,picker) plot(tr) abline(v=to, col='red', lwd=2) ## End(Not run)
If vec
represents a set of binned counts of incrementing values (ascending)
return a vector of associated bin values with the proper count of each value. Intended
for internal use.
unHistogram(vec, startVal, incr)
unHistogram(vec, startVal, incr)
vec |
a histogram vector or ordered set of binned counts |
startVal |
the initial value of the first bin element |
incr |
the increment rate of each subsequent bin value |
A vector of bin values with appropriate counts of each.
Rob Casey [email protected]