Title: | Statistics and Metrics for Seismic Data |
Description: | Classes and functions for metrics calculation as part of the 'EarthScope MUSTANG' project. The functionality in this package builds upon the base classes of the 'IRISSeismic' package. Metrics include basic statistics as well as higher level 'health' metrics that can help identify problematic seismometers. |
Authors: | Jonathan Callahan [aut], Rob Casey [aut], Mary Templeton [aut], Gillian Sharer [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Gillian Sharer <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 2.4.7 |
Built: | 2025-03-11 05:47:13 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/IRISMustangMetrics |
This package provides S4 classes and functions for calculating metrics from seismological data available from EarthScope (https:/www.earthscope.org) (formerly IRIS) or data centers offering FDSN web services. This package is part of the MUSTANG project.
The IRISMustangMetrics package depends upon the IRISSeismic package which defines new S4 classes and methods for manipulating seismic data. Please see the "seismic-intro" vignette for introductory examples on using IRISSeismic.
In 2023, IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) and UNAVCO merged to form EarthScope Consortium. IRIS (now EarthScope) webservices are unchanged but can now be accessed at https://service.earthscope.org as well as https://service.iris.edu.
version 2.4.7
(updated references from IRIS to EarthScope)
version 2.4.6
(updated email addresses)
(ISPAQUtils, add psd_corrected metric name to allow the ISPAQ tool to return uncorrected psds)
version 2.4.5
(typo fix for email address and updated link in documentation)
(updated error handling code to meet CRAN requirements)
version 2.4.4
(additional error handling for sample_rate_resp)
version 2.4.3
(improved error handling for functions that call IRIS web services)
(additional error handling for sample_rate_resp)
version 2.4.2
minor modification to ISPAQUtils.R for sample_rate_resp, sample_rate_channel
version 2.4.1
fix for max_range where trace length not evenly divided by window length
max_range now rounds window*samplerate and increment*samplerate to integer values
corrects typo error in ISPAQUtils.R
version 2.4.0
adds new metrics sample_rate_resp, sample_rate_channel, max_range
version 2.3.0
modifies PSD metrics for edge case involving metadata and trace start times
adds noCorrection option to PSDMetric, if noCorrection=TRUE it only returns uncorrected PSDs and not corrected PSD or PSD-derived metrics; default noCorrection=FALSE
version 2.2.0
removes dead_channel_exp, metric has been retired
renames pdf_aggregator in ISPAQUtils.R to pdf
version 2.1.3
fixed bug related to getGeneralValueMetrics,getMustangMetrics error handling
added pdf_aggregator to ISPAQUtils.R, for multi-day pdf plotting within ISPAQ
version 2.1.2
version 2.1.1 unintentionally removed the pct_above_nhnm metric. This version restores it.
made sample rate sanity rate check consistent between correlationMetric and crossCorrelationMetric
version 2.1.1
fixed bug in PSDMetrics that affected dead_channel_gsn results
version 2.1.0
transfer_function requires sample rates to be within a factor of 10 to avoid decimation effects on amplitude
transfer_function uses 7 order Chebyshev filter in the decimate function, to correct 1% error occurring with default 8 order Chebyshev
fixed bug in transfer_function trace start and end time comparisons
transfer_function when determining if sample rate < 1, round to 5 digits first
getGeneralValueMetrics added metric_error, ts_channel_continuity, ts_channel_up_time, ts_gap_length, ts_gap_length_total, ts_max_gap, ts_max_gap_total, ts_num_gaps, ts_num_gaps_total, ts_percent_availability, ts_percent_availability metrics
aliased the getGeneralValueMetrics function to getMustangMetrics
dailyDCOffsetMetric now returns error when result is NaN or NA
version 2.0.9
removed dependency on pracma package
removed channel restrictions for pct_above_nhnm,pct_below_nlm
cross correlation sampling rates of < 1 will round to 2 digits
getGeneralValueMetrics better handles case of no targets found
improved error handling in spikesMetric.R
version 2.0.8
minor bug fix to ISPAQUtils.R, spikes=numSpikes
version 2.0.7
fixed bug in getGeneralValueMetrics that didn't return measurements if there was more than one for any day
crossCorrelationMetric filter now defaults to a butterworth 2 pole 0.1Hz (10 second) low pass filter
version 2.0.6
fixed bug related to NA -> NULL replacement in Class-Metric
version 2.0.5
fixed dplyr version dependencies
version 2.0.4
adds additional sanity check to getGeneralValueMetrics()
createBssUrl() adds "&nodata=404" to url
version 2.0.2
updates to ISPAQUtils.R
version 2.0.1
removed dependency on tidyr package
version 2.0.0 – GeneralValueMetrics
class introduced, SingleValueMetric
class deprecated. All metrics that previously returned
now return GeneralValueMetric
function added. Retreives metrics measurements from BSS database
does not return timing_drift. The metric proved unreliable
users can now supply instrument response information in the form of frequency, amplitude, phase
to the function PSDMetric
, in place of the getEvalresp webservice call
version 1.3.1 – PSDs
version 1.3.0 – latency
removed from package.
documentation improvements.
additional error checking for getSingleValueMetrics()
version 1.2.7 – PSDs
metrics percent_above_nhnm
and percent_below_nlnm
limited to frequencies less than nyquist/1.5.
version 1.2.6 – PSDs
Depends on IRISSeismic (>= 1.3.0).
and dead_channel_lin
metrics will only return values for station channel codes matching "BH|HH".
version 1.2.5 – ISPAQUtils
ISPAQUtils.R contains functions for use with the ISPAQ standalone metrics system.
version 1.2.4 – package version dependencies
Depends on IRISSeismic (>= 1.2.3). Imports seismicRoll (>=1.1.2).
version 1.2.2 – correlationMetric tweak
allows trace sample lengths to differ by 2 samples without stopping.
version 1.2.1 – PSDs
Better fix to very low powers issue in PSDMetrics()
shifts PDF bin centers by 0.5 dB.
version 1.2.0 – PSDs
returns corrected PSD and PDF dataframes in addition to uncorrected PSDs and PSD derived metrics.
Depends on R (>= 3.2.0) and IRISSeismic (>=1.1.7).
Imports tidyr, dplyr.
version 1.1.3 – bug fix, import version increased
Fixes typo in SNRMetric()
function windowSecs
argument default value.
Imports seismicRoll (>=1.1.1)
version 1.1.2 – modifications
Improves error handling messages.
removes unused selectivity argument and adds argument controlling output type.
Fixes bug in dailyDCOffsetMetrics()
related to outlier removal and vector length.
Fixes bug in PSDMetrics()
metric related to very low power values.
only returns metrics that generate numeric values.
version 1.1.1 – bug fix
exits if either input trace is flatlined (all values equal).
version 1.1.0 – updates package dependencies
Depends on IRISSeismic (>= 1.1.0).
version 1.0.8 – new metric and bug fix
Improves error handling messages.
Adds new dead_channel_gsn
metric to PSDMetric()
function output.
Fixes bug in STALTAMetric()
involving required trace length.
version 1.0.7 – bug fix
Fixes issue with spikesMetric()
passing argument values to findOutliers
version 1.0.6 – function argument changes
Changes spikesMetric()
default argument values thresholdMin=10
now requires input of evalresp fap spectra, new arguments evalresp1
and evalresp2
Additional sanity checks for transferFunctionMetric()
and PSDMetric()
Depends on IRISSeismic (>= 1.0.10). Imports seismicRoll (>=1.1.0). Imports stats.
version 1.0.5 – new PSD metric
Changes URL syntax for MUSTANG web services to use "format=..." instead of "output=...".
Adds new sample_unique
metric to PSDMetric()
version 1.0.3 – new functionality and bug fixes
Adds new metricList2DF()
Adds new dead_channel_lin
metric to PSDMetric()
Fixes typo in Class-Metric.R
value string format.
version 1.0.0 – First Public Release
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
EarthScope web services: https://service.earthscope.org
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get the seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:45:00",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 07:45:00",tz="GMT") result <- try(st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime)) if (class(result) == "try-error" ) { print(geterrmessage()) } else { # Apply a metric and show the results metricList <- basicStatsMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) }
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get the seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:45:00",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 07:45:00",tz="GMT") result <- try(st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime)) if (class(result) == "try-error" ) { print(geterrmessage()) } else { # Apply a metric and show the results metricList <- basicStatsMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) }
The basicStatsMetric() function calculates the min, median, mean, max, rmsVariance
and number of unique values for
the input seismic signal.
st |
a |
This metric applies the min, median, mean
and max
methods of Stream
to the st
parameter to calculate the following metrics:
It also calculates length(unique(stmerged@traces[[1]]@data))
, where stmerged is the st parameter after mergeTraces
is applied to it, for the following metric:
Any error messages generated in the process will pass through untrapped.
A list of SingleValueMetric
objects is returned.
See the seismic
package for documentation on Stream
objects and the getDataselect
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime, inclusiveEnd=FALSE) # Calculate some metrics and show the results metricList <- basicStatsMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime, inclusiveEnd=FALSE) # Calculate some metrics and show the results metricList <- basicStatsMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
The MUSTANG database is in charge of storing the results of metrics calculations
and is accessed through a webservice API.
The convertBssErrors
function extracts pertinent error information from the HTML returned
by MUSTANG on error conditions.
err_msg |
error text received from the MUSTANG |
A text string with the root cause
extracted from
the MUSTANG HTML Java error dump.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The correlationMetric() function calculates the correlation between two streams of seismic data.
correlationMetric(st1, st2)
correlationMetric(st1, st2)
st1 |
a |
st2 |
a |
The correlation returned is a value in the range [0-1]. This 'pearson r' correlation is a measure of the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables that is defined as the (sample) covariance of the variables divided by the product of their (sample) standard deviations.
Missing values are handled by casewise deletion with the following R code:
A list with a single SingleValueMetric
object is returned.
The metric name is cross_talk
Seismic streams passed to correlationMetric
must have the same network and station,
must cover the same time range and must have the same sampling rate.
The metricList generated for this two-channel metric will have a SNCL code of the form:
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get seismic traces starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-03-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2013-03-02",tz="GMT") stZ <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) st1 <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BH1",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) st2 <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BH2",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) # Calculate correlationMetric correlationMetric(stZ,st1)[[1]] correlationMetric(stZ,st2)[[1]] correlationMetric(st1,st2)[[1]] ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get seismic traces starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-03-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2013-03-02",tz="GMT") stZ <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) st1 <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BH1",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) st2 <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BH2",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) # Calculate correlationMetric correlationMetric(stZ,st1)[[1]] correlationMetric(stZ,st2)[[1]] correlationMetric(st1,st2)[[1]] ## End(Not run)
The createBssUrl
method of the IrisClient
returns a URL that can be used to make
a request of the MUSTANG BSS (Backend Storage System).
createBssUrl(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, ...)
createBssUrl(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, ...)
obj |
network |
character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
character string with the station code |
location |
character string with the location code |
channel |
character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
metricName |
character string containing one or more comma separated metric names |
... |
optional arguments
A blank location code should be specified as location="--"
; Using location=""
will return all location codes.
The default MUSTANG measurement service when url
is not specified is:
A character string containing a BSS request URL
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-06-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 30*24*3600 metricName <- "sample_max,sample_min,sample_mean" # Get the measurement dataframe url <- createBssUrl(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ", starttime,endtime,metricName) # This URL can be pasted into a web browser to see the BSS return values
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-06-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 30*24*3600 metricName <- "sample_max,sample_min,sample_mean" # Get the measurement dataframe url <- createBssUrl(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ", starttime,endtime,metricName) # This URL can be pasted into a web browser to see the BSS return values
The crossCorrelationMetric() function calculates the maximum absolute correlation (polarity_check
and lag at maximum correlation (timing_drift
) associated with two streams of seismic data.
crossCorrelationMetric(st1, st2, maxLagSecs=10, filter)
crossCorrelationMetric(st1, st2, maxLagSecs=10, filter)
st1 |
a |
st2 |
a |
maxLagSecs |
maximum number of seconds of lag to use |
filter |
a signal package filter to be applied before cross-correlating, optional |
Details of the algorithm are as follows:
Both signals are demeaned and detrended
If one signal has a higher sampling rate, it is decimated to the lower sampling rate using an IIR filter if it is a multiple of the lower sample rate. See (signal::decimate
Both signals are filtered, by default with a Butterworth 2-pole low pass filter with a 0.1 Hz (10 second) corner frequency. See (signal::filter
Signals are cross-correlated using the stats::ccf()
The maximum absolute correlation is saved as polarity_check
while the lag at peak correlation is saved as timing_drift
Note: For cross-correlation, seismic signals must not have any gaps – they must be contained in a single Trace
A list with one GeneralValueMetric
object is returned.
The metric names is polarity_check
The metricList generated for this two-channel metric will have an additional sncl2
attribute identifying the SNCL in st2
Jonathan Callahan [email protected] (R code), Mary Templeton [email protected] (algorithm)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the same signal, shifted by 3 seconds starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-11-12 07:09:45",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 600 st1 <- getSNCL(iris,"NM.SLM.00.BHZ",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getSNCL(iris,"NM.SLM.00.BHZ",starttime+3,endtime+3) # Cross-correlate crossCorrelationMetric(st1,st2) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the same signal, shifted by 3 seconds starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-11-12 07:09:45",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 600 st1 <- getSNCL(iris,"NM.SLM.00.BHZ",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getSNCL(iris,"NM.SLM.00.BHZ",starttime+3,endtime+3) # Cross-correlate crossCorrelationMetric(st1,st2) ## End(Not run)
The dailyDCOffsetMetric() function identifies days with a jump in the signal mean.
dailyDCOffsetMetric(df, offsetDays=5, outlierWindow=7, outlierThreshold=3.0, outputType=1)
dailyDCOffsetMetric(df, offsetDays=5, outlierWindow=7, outlierThreshold=3.0, outputType=1)
df |
a dataframe containing |
offsetDays |
number of days used in calculating weighting factors |
outlierWindow |
window size passed to findOutliers() function in the seismicRoll package |
outlierThreshold |
detection threshold passed to findOutliers() function in the seismicRoll package |
outputType |
if 1, return last day of valid values (index= length(index)-floor(outlierWindow/2)); if 0, return all valid values (indices= max(offsetDays, floor(outlierWindow/2): length(index)-floor(outlierWindow/2)) |
This algorithm calculates lagged differences of the daily mean timeseries over a window of offsetDays
Shifts in the mean that are persistent and larger than the typical standard deviation of daily means will
generate higher metric values.
Details of the algorithm are as follows
# data0 = download requested daily means (in the 'df' dataframe), must be greater than max(offsetDays,outlierWindow)+floor(outlierWindow/2) # data1 = remove outliers using MAD outlier detection with the 'outlier' arguments specified # data2 = replace outliers with rolling median values using a default 7 day window, remove last floor(outlierWindow/2) number of samples. # weights = calculate absolute lagged differences with 1-N day lags, default N=5 # metric0 = multiply the lagged differences together and take the N'th root # stddev0 = calculate the rolling standard deviation of data2 with a N-day window # METRIC = divide metric0 by the median value of stddev0
A list is returned with a SingleValueMetric
object for the last day-floor(outlierWindow/2) (default 3rd from last day) in the incoming dataframe if outputType=1 (one list element), otherwise the first+offsetDays to last day-floor(outlierWindow/2) (multiple list elements, one per day) if outputType=0.
Prefer 60+ days of sample_mean values to get a good estimate of the long term sample_mean standard deviation. After initial testing on stations in the IU network, a metric value > 10 appears to be indicative of a DC offset shift (this may vary across stations or networks and larger values may be preferred as indications of a potential station issue).
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The DCOffsetTimesMetric() function returns times where a shift in the signal mean is detected.
DCOffsetTimesMetric(st, windowSecs, incrementSecs, threshold)
DCOffsetTimesMetric(st, windowSecs, incrementSecs, threshold)
st |
a |
windowSecs |
chunk size (secs) used in DCOffset calculations (default= |
incrementSecs |
increment (secs) for starttime of sequential chunks (default= |
threshold |
threshold used in the detection metric (default= |
Conceptually, this algorithm asserts: If the difference in means between sequential chunks of seismic signal is greater than the typical std dev of a chunk then this marks a DC offset shift.
Details of the algorithm are as follows
# Merge all traces in the time period, filling gaps with missing values # Break up the signal into windowSecs chunks spaced incrementSecs apart # For each chunk calculate: # signal mean, signal standard deviation # Resulting mean and std dev arrays are of length 47 for 24 hours of signal # Metric = abs(lagged difference of chunk means) / mean(chunk std devs) # DC offset = times when Metric > threshold
A list with a single MultipleTimeValueMetric
object is returned.
The denominator of this metric was tested with both mean(chunk std devs)
and with
median(chunk std devs)
to identify a "typical" value for the chunk standard deviation.
It was found that using median
resulted false offset detects whenever there was
a large seismic signal in an otherwise lo-noise signal.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get a signal with a DC offset problem starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-10-26",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","TARA","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the metric metricList <- DCOffsetTimesMetric(st) # Extract values from the first element of the list offsetTimes <- metricList[[1]]@values # Plot the signal and mark locations where a DC offset was detected plot(st) abline(v=offsetTimes,col='red') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get a signal with a DC offset problem starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-10-26",tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 2*24*3600 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","TARA","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the metric metricList <- DCOffsetTimesMetric(st) # Extract values from the first element of the list offsetTimes <- metricList[[1]]@values # Plot the signal and mark locations where a DC offset was detected plot(st) abline(v=offsetTimes,col='red') ## End(Not run)
The gapsMetric() function calculates metrics associated with gaps and overlaps in a seismic signal,
i.e. when st
consists of more than one Trace
st |
a |
This function uses the output of the getGaps
method of Stream
to calculate the following metrics:
:number of gaps found in st
:legnth of maximum gap (sec) found in st
:number of overlaps found in st
:legnth of maximum overlap (sec) found in st
:percentage of total requested time for which a signal is available
The requestedStarttime
and requestedEndtime
slots for the Stream
are used to determine
gaps before the start of the first or after the end of the last Trace
in the Stream
A list of SingleValueMetric
objects is returned.
See the seismic
package for documentation on Stream
objects and the getDataselect
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the gaps metrics and show the results metricList <- gapsMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the gaps metrics and show the results metricList <- gapsMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
A container for metrics consisting of a vector of numeric values. This information is used to create XML that is then submitted to the MUSTANG Backend Storage System (BSS).
Objects can be created by calls of the form:
new("GeneralValueMetric", snclq, starttime, endtime, metricName, elementNames, elementValues, valueStrings, quality_flag, quality_flagString)
Lists of GeneralValueMetric
objects are returned by various metrics functions in this package.
:Object of class "character"
: SNCLQ identifier.
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: Start time.
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: End time.
:Object of class "character"
: Name of the metric.
:Object of class "character"
: Names of the elements storing the metric values (default="x"
:Object of class "numeric"
: Numeric values.
:Object of class "character"
: String representations of the numeric values.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Quality flag.
:Object of class "character"
: String representation of quality flag.
signature(object = "GeneralValueMetric")
: Prettyprints the information in the GeneralValueMetric
The starttime
and endtime
slots are typically associated with the user requested times
which may not match up with the
associated with the first Trace
and the endtime
associated with last Trace
in the Stream
object being analyzed. This ensures that
metrics results for a single time period but covering many stations or channels will have the same date range and
improves performance of the BSS which expects XML of the following form:
<measurements> <date start='2012-02-10T00:00:00.000' end='2012-02-10T09:20:00.000'> <target snclq='N.S.L.C1.Q'> <EXAMPLE> <x value="1"/> <x value="2"/> <x value="3"/> <x value="4"/> </EXAMPLE> </target> </date> </measurements>
The quality_flag
is an optional value available for storing information related to the
processing of a particular metric. Its meaning will vary from metric to metric.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The getBssMetricList
method makes a request of the MUSTANG BSS (Backend Storage System)
and returns a list of _Metric
getBssMetricList(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, url)
getBssMetricList(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, url)
obj |
an |
network |
a character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
a character string with the station code |
location |
a character string with the location code |
channel |
a character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
a POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
a POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
metricName |
a character string identifying the name of the metric stored in the BSS |
url |
optional url of the BSS measurements service |
This method calls on getMetricsXml to communicate with the BSS and obtain an XML reponse.
This response is then processed and used to create _Metric
objects which are returned as a metricList.
Error returns from the BSS will stop evaluation and throw an error message.
A list of _Metric
objects is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2014-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2014-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the metricList metricList <- getBssMetricList(iris,"AK","PIN","","",starttime,endtime, metricName="sample_mean") show(metricList) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2014-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2014-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the metricList metricList <- getBssMetricList(iris,"AK","PIN","","",starttime,endtime, metricName="sample_mean") show(metricList) ## End(Not run)
The getGeneralValueMetrics
method of the IrisClient
makes a request of the MUSTANG database
and returns a dataframe containing metrics measurments.
getGeneralValueMetrics(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, ...)
getGeneralValueMetrics(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, ...)
obj |
an |
network |
a character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
a character string with the station code |
location |
a character string with the location code, can be "" for wildcard all |
channel |
a character string with the three letter channel code, can be "" for wildcard all |
starttime |
a POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
a POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
metricName |
a character string containing one or more comma separated metric names |
... |
optional arguments
A blank location code should be specified as location="--"
; Using location=""
will return all location codes.
The default MUSTANG measurement service when url
is not specified is:
Data returned from MUSTANG are converted into an R dataframe.
The optional constraint
parameter is used to add constraints to the query as defined
in the MUSTANG measurements web service documentation.
Any string passed in with the constraint
parameter will be appended to the request url following an ampersand.
Error returns from the BSS will stop evaluation and generate an error message.
A dataframe with the following columns:
~metricName~, value, additional values, snclq, starttime, endtime, loadtime
The loadtime
column contains the time at which this record was loaded into the database.
The dataframe rows will be sorted by metricName and increasing starttime.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2016-08-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 30*24*3600 metricName <- "sample_max" # Get the measurement dataframe juneStats <- getGeneralValueMetrics(iris,"IU","ANMO","","BH[12Z]", starttime,endtime,metricName) print(juneStats) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2016-08-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 30*24*3600 metricName <- "sample_max" # Get the measurement dataframe juneStats <- getGeneralValueMetrics(iris,"IU","ANMO","","BH[12Z]", starttime,endtime,metricName) print(juneStats) ## End(Not run)
Returns a JSON formatted string with metric function metadata. This string is needed by the python-based ISPAQ command-line utility developed by EarthScope.
JSON formatted string containing metric function metadata.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The getMetricsXml
method makes a request of the MUSTANG BSS (Backend Storage System)
and returns a character string with the response XML.
getMetricsXml(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, url)
getMetricsXml(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, url)
obj |
an |
network |
a character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
a character string with the station code |
location |
a character string with the location code |
channel |
a character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
a POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
a POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
metricName |
a character string identifying the name of the metric stored in the BSS |
url |
optional url of the BSS measurements service |
The default BSS measurement service when url
is not specified is:
This method returns raw XML which is not that useful by itself. Users should instead use the
getBssMetricList method which calls this function and returns a list _Metric
Error returns from the BSS will stop evaluation and throw an error message.
A character string with the XML response from the BSS is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the measurement XML xml <- tryCatch(getMetricsXml(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ", starttime,endtime,metricName="sample_mean", url="https://service.earthscope.org/mustang/measurements/1/query?"), error= function(e) {message(e)})
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the measurement XML xml <- tryCatch(getMetricsXml(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ", starttime,endtime,metricName="sample_mean", url="https://service.earthscope.org/mustang/measurements/1/query?"), error= function(e) {message(e)})
The getMustangMetrics
method of the IrisClient
makes a request of the MUSTANG database
and returns a dataframe containing metrics measurements. This function is an alias of the getGeneralValueMetrics
getMustangMetrics(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, ...)
getMustangMetrics(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, ...)
obj |
an |
network |
a character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
a character string with the station code |
location |
a character string with the location code, can be "" for wildcard all |
channel |
a character string with the three letter channel code, can be "" for wildcard all |
starttime |
a POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
a POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
metricName |
a character string containing one or more comma separated metric names |
... |
optional arguments
A blank location code should be specified as location="--"
; Using location=""
will return all location codes.
The default MUSTANG measurement service when url
is not specified is:
Data returned from MUSTANG are converted into an R dataframe.
The optional constraint
parameter is used to add constraints to the query as defined
in the MUSTANG measurements web service documentation.
Any string passed in with the
parameter will be appended to the request url following an ampersand.
Error returns from the BSS will stop evaluation and generate an error message.
A dataframe with the following columns:
~metricName~, value, additional values, snclq, starttime, endtime, loadtime
The loadtime
column contains the time at which this record was loaded into the database.
The dataframe rows will be sorted by metricName and increasing starttime.
The database was originally populated with a version of this package that always assigned quality to be 'B'. Later versions obtained the quality from the miniSEED packet (typically 'M'). Because of this it is possible to have duplicate entries that only differ in the Q part of their snclq. To avoid double counting, when the webservice return contains two records whose only difference is the quality code portion of the of the snclq, only the record with the later loaddate will be used in the dataframe.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2016-08-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 30*24*3600 metricName <- "orientation_check" # Get the measurement dataframe juneStats <- tryCatch(getMustangMetrics(iris,"IU","ANMO","","BH[12Z]",starttime,endtime,metricName), error=function(e) {message(e)}) juneStats
# Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2016-08-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 30*24*3600 metricName <- "orientation_check" # Get the measurement dataframe juneStats <- tryCatch(getMustangMetrics(iris,"IU","ANMO","","BH[12Z]",starttime,endtime,metricName), error=function(e) {message(e)}) juneStats
The getPsdMetrics
method of the IrisClient
makes a request of the MUSTANG BSS (Backend Storage System)
and returns a dataframe containing instrument corrected Power Spectral Density (PSD) measurements.
getPsdMetrics(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, url)
getPsdMetrics(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, url)
obj |
an |
network |
a character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
a character string with the station code |
location |
a character string with the location code |
channel |
a character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
a POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
a POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
url |
optional url of the BSS measurements service |
The default BSS measurement service when url
is not specified is:
Data returned from the BSS are converted into an R dataframe.
Error returns from the BSS will stop evaluation and generate an error message.
A dataframe with the following columns:
target, starttime, endtime, frequency, power
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the measurement XML psdDF <- getPsdMetrics(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ", starttime,endtime) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the measurement XML psdDF <- getPsdMetrics(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ", starttime,endtime) ## End(Not run)
The getSingleValueMetrics
method of the IrisClient
makes a request of the MUSTANG database
and returns a dataframe containing metrics that are stored as single values, e.g. sample_max, sample_min, etc..
getSingleValueMetrics(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, constraint, url)
getSingleValueMetrics(obj, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, metricName, constraint, url)
obj |
an |
network |
a character string with the two letter seismic network code |
station |
a character string with the station code |
location |
a character string with the location code |
channel |
a character string with the three letter channel code |
starttime |
a POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT) |
endtime |
a POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT) |
metricName |
a character string containing one or more comma separated metric names |
constraint |
a character string containing value constraints |
url |
optional url of the MUSTANG measurements service |
A blank location code should be specified as location="--"
; Using location=""
will return all location codes.
The default MUSTANG measurement service when url
is not specified is:
Data returned from MUSTANG are converted into an R dataframe.
The optional constraint
parameter is used to add constraints to the query as defined
in the MUSTANG measurements web service documentation.
Any string passed in with the
parameter will be appended to the request url following an ampersand.
Error returns from the BSS will stop evaluation and generate an error message.
Most MUSTANG metrics are single valued and can be retrieved with getSingleValueMetrics()
. Examples
of multi-valued metrics that cannot be returned with this function include "asl_coherence", "orientation_check",
and "transfer_function".
is a similar function that will return values for all metrics, not just single valued ones. It is the
preferred method of retrieving MUSTANG metric values.
A dataframe with the following columns:
~metricName~, value, snclq, starttime, endtime, loadtime
The loadtime
column contains the time at which this record was loaded into the database.
The dataframe rows will be sorted by increasing starttime.
The structure of this dataframe is appropriate for use with the ggplot2 plotting package.
The database was originally populated with a version of this package that always assigned quality to be 'B'. Later versions obtained the quality from the miniSEED packet (typically 'M'). Because of this it is possible to have duplicate entries that only differ in the Q part of their snclq. To avoid double counting, when the webservice return contains two records whose only difference is the quality code portion of the of the snclq, only the record with the later loaddate will be used in the dataframe.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-06-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 30*24*3600 metricName <- "sample_max,sample_min,sample_mean" # Get the measurement dataframe juneStats <- getSingleValueMetrics(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ", starttime,endtime,metricName) head(juneStats) # Simple ggplot2 plot #library(ggplot2) #p <- ggplot(juneStats, aes(x=starttime,y=value, color=as.factor(metricName))) + # geom_step() #print(p) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices (including the BSS) iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-06-01", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 30*24*3600 metricName <- "sample_max,sample_min,sample_mean" # Get the measurement dataframe juneStats <- getSingleValueMetrics(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ", starttime,endtime,metricName) head(juneStats) # Simple ggplot2 plot #library(ggplot2) #p <- ggplot(juneStats, aes(x=starttime,y=value, color=as.factor(metricName))) + # geom_step() #print(p) ## End(Not run)
This metric calculates the difference between the largest and smallest sample value in a 5-minute rolling window and returns the largest value encountered within a 24-hour timespan.
maxRangeMetric(st, window=300, increment=150)
maxRangeMetric(st, window=300, increment=150)
st |
a |
window |
number of seconds over which to evaluate the minimum and maximum sample values |
increment |
number of seconds to advance the window for each max_range calculation |
For a time series passed as a Stream
object, this function calculates differences
between largest and smallest amplitudes in a series of (default) 300-second windows,
incrementing the window by (default) 150 seconds for each difference calculated. It reports
the largest difference as the max_range.
The function returns a list:
= list of max_range
metric objects
Gillian Sharer [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-02",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the max_range metric tempList <- maxRangeMetric(st) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-02",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the max_range metric tempList <- maxRangeMetric(st) ## End(Not run)
The metricList2DF
function converts a list of SingleValueMetric
s into a
"tidy" dataframe with one value per row..
metricList |
a list of |
Metrics functions return lists of SingleValueMetric
objects. A long metricList
may be built up
by appending the results of different metrics functions or the same metrics function operating on different seismic signals.
A metricList generated by any of the MUSTANG Rscripts can be stored as an .RData
file and reloaded for examination.
A metricList may contain values for many different metrics. This function creates a single "tidy" dataframe with
the following colulmns: metricName, value, snclq, starttime, endtime, qualityFlag
A dataframe with one row per metric measurement.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices client <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveforms starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st1 <- getDataselect(client,"AK","PIN","","BHE",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getDataselect(client,"AK","PIN","","BHN",starttime,endtime) st3 <- getDataselect(client,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate metrics and append them to the metricList metricList <- stateOfHealthMetric(st1) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st1)) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st2)) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st3)) # Create dataframe metricDF <- metricList2DF(metricList) head(metricDF) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices client <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveforms starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st1 <- getDataselect(client,"AK","PIN","","BHE",starttime,endtime) st2 <- getDataselect(client,"AK","PIN","","BHN",starttime,endtime) st3 <- getDataselect(client,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate metrics and append them to the metricList metricList <- stateOfHealthMetric(st1) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st1)) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st2)) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st3)) # Create dataframe metricDF <- metricList2DF(metricList) head(metricDF) ## End(Not run)
The metricList2DFList
function converts a list of SingleValueMetric
s into a
list of dataframes, one per named metric.
metricList |
a list of |
Metrics functions return lists of SingleValueMetric
objects. A long metricList
may be built up
by appending the results of different metrics functions or the same metrics function operating on different seismic signals.
A metricList generated by any of the MUSTANG Rscripts can be stored as an .RData
file and reloaded for examination.
A metricList may contain values for many different metrics. This function creates a separate dataframe for
each metricName
found in the metricList
. As each dataframe is created, values associated with that metric are stored in a
column named after the metric. Individual dataframes are stored in the returned list with their own name:
A character string with BSS formatted XML is returned.
is deprecated. Please use metricList2DF
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The metricList2Xml
function converts a list of SingleValueMetric
or GeneralValueMetric
into an
XML structure appropriate for submitting to the MUSTANG Backend Storage System (BSS).
metricList |
a list of |
Metrics functions return lists of SingleValueMetric
or GeneralValueMetric
objects. A long metricList
may be built up
by appending the results of different metrics functions or the same metrics function operating on different seismic signals.
The list may only contain a single class (SingleValueMetric
cannot be mixed with GeneralValueMetric
These metrics can be submitted to the BSS in a standardized XML format. (see SingleValueMetric-class)
A character string with BSS formatted XML is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Apply a metric and show the results metricList <- stateOfHealthMetric(st) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st)) bssXml <- metricList2Xml(metricList) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Apply a metric and show the results metricList <- stateOfHealthMetric(st) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st)) bssXml <- metricList2Xml(metricList) ## End(Not run)
A container for metrics consisting of a vector of POSIXct
datetimes. This information is used to create XML that is
then submitted to the MUSTANG Backend Storage System (BSS).
Objects can be created by calls of the form:
new("MultipleTimeValueMetric", snclq, starttime, endtime, metricName, values)
Lists of MultipleTimeValueMetric
objects are returned by various metrics functions in this package.
:Object of class "character"
: SNCLQ identifier.
:Object of class "character"
: Name of the metric.
:Object of class "character"
: Name of the datetime element (default="t"
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: Start time.
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: End time.
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: Datetime values.
:Object of class "character"
: String representations of the datetime values.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Quality flag.
:Object of class "character"
: String representation of quality flag.
signature(object = "MultipleTimeValueMetric")
: Prettyprints the information in the MultipleTimeValueMetric
The starttime
and endtime
slots are typically associated with the user requested times
which may not match up with the
associated with the first Trace
and the endtime
associated with last Trace
in the Stream
object being analyzed. This ensures that
metrics results for a single time period but covering many stations or channels will have the same date range and
improves performance of the BSS which expects XML of the following form:
<measurements> <date start='2012-02-10T00:00:00.000' end='2012-02-10T09:20:00.000'> <target snclq='N.S.L.C1.Q'> <up_down_times> <t value="2012-02-10T00:00:00.000"/> <t value="2012-02-10T00:01:00.000"/> <t value="2012-02-10T00:02:00.000"/> <t value="2012-02-10T00:03:00.000"/> </up_down_times> </target> </date> </measurements>
The quality_flag
is an optional value available for storing information related to the
processing of a particular metric. Its meaning will vary from metric to metric.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Make sure we're working with a single snclq unique_ids <- uniqueIds(st) if (length(unique_ids) > 1) { stop(paste("meanMetric: Stream has",unique_ids,"unique identifiers")) } snclq <- unique_ids[1] # get the upDownTimes with a minimum signal length and minimum gap (secs) upDownTimes <- getUpDownTimes(st, min_signal=30, min_gap=60) # Create and return a MultipleTimeValue metric from the upDownTimes m <- new("MultipleTimeValueMetric", snclq=snclq, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, metricName="up_down_times", values=upDownTimes) # Show the results show(m) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Make sure we're working with a single snclq unique_ids <- uniqueIds(st) if (length(unique_ids) > 1) { stop(paste("meanMetric: Stream has",unique_ids,"unique identifiers")) } snclq <- unique_ids[1] # get the upDownTimes with a minimum signal length and minimum gap (secs) upDownTimes <- getUpDownTimes(st, min_signal=30, min_gap=60) # Create and return a MultipleTimeValue metric from the upDownTimes m <- new("MultipleTimeValueMetric", snclq=snclq, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, metricName="up_down_times", values=upDownTimes) # Show the results show(m) ## End(Not run)
The PSDMetric() function performs spectral analysis on a seismic signal and returns 'PSD' metrics with discretized spectral components as well as other metrics based on PSDs.
PSDMetric(st, linLoPeriod=4/(st@traces[[1]]@stats@sampling_rate), linHiPeriod=100, evalresp=NULL, noCorrection=FALSE)
PSDMetric(st, linLoPeriod=4/(st@traces[[1]]@stats@sampling_rate), linHiPeriod=100, evalresp=NULL, noCorrection=FALSE)
st |
a |
linLoPeriod |
low end of the period band use for calculating the linear dead channel metric |
linHiPeriod |
high end of the period band use for calculating the linear dead channel metric |
evalresp |
dataframe of freq, amp, phase information matching output of |
noCorrection |
boolean (default=FALSE), TRUE=only generate list of PSDs uncorrected for instrument response; FALSE=generate list of uncorrected PSDs, list of corrected PSDs, dataframe of PDF values,and PSD-derived metrics |
This function calculates average power spectra for a seismic signal as described in the McNamara paper.
See the McNamaraPSD
method of Stream
objects in the IRISSeismic package for details.
If optional evalresp
dataframe is not supplied, the code will call getEvalresp
to obtain response
information from webservices.
Uncorrected spectral density values are returned in spectrumMetricList
in units of dB.
Instrument response corrected spectral density values are returned in correctedPsdDF
in units of dB.
Probability Density Function (PDF) histogram values are returned in pdfDF
Other metrics calculated from the PSDs are returned in svMetricList
. These metrics are:
Percentage of PSD values that are above the New High Noise Model for their frequency. Only frequencies less than the sample_rate/3 are considered to avoid instrument response effects as you approach the nyquist frequency. This value is calculated over the entire time period.
Percentage of PSD values that are below the New Low Noise Model for their frequency. Only frequencies less than the sample_rate/3 are considered to avoid instrument response effects as you approach the nyquist frequency. This value is calculated over the entire time period.
A "dead channel" metric is calculated from
the mean of all the PSDs generated. (Typically 47 for a 24 hour period.) Values of the PSD mean line over the band
(linLoPeriod:linHiPeriod) are fit to a line. The dead_channel_lin
metric is the standard deviation of the
fit residuals. Lower numbers indicate a better fit and a higher likelihood that the mean PSD is linear – an
indication of a "dead channel".
Note: The dead_channel_exp metric has been removed.
A list of lists is returned containing:
= list of SpectrumMetric
= dataframe of starttime, endtime, frequency (Hz), power (dB) values
= dataframe of frequency (Hz), power (dB), hits (count) values
= list of SingleValueMetric
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
Seismic Noise Analysis System Using Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions (McNamara and Boaz 2005)
Observations and Modeling of Seismic Background Noise (Peterson 1993).
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # NOTE: The following trace has 1.728 million points. # NOTE: Downloading and calculating PSD may take a few seconds. starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-28",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the PSD metric and show the SingleValueMetric results listOfLists <- PSDMetric(st) svMetricList <- listOfLists[['svMetricList']] dummy <- lapply(svMetricList, show) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # NOTE: The following trace has 1.728 million points. # NOTE: Downloading and calculating PSD may take a few seconds. starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-28",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the PSD metric and show the SingleValueMetric results listOfLists <- PSDMetric(st) svMetricList <- listOfLists[['svMetricList']] dummy <- lapply(svMetricList, show) ## End(Not run)
The sampleRateChannelMetric() function compares the miniSEED sample rate with the sample rate stored in the metadata channel.
sampleRateChannelMetric(st, channel_pct=1, chan_rate=NULL)
sampleRateChannelMetric(st, channel_pct=1, chan_rate=NULL)
st |
a |
channel_pct |
percentage by which the miniSEED and channel sample rates must agree to be considered a match |
chan_rate |
metadata channel sample rate from miniSEED blockette 52, stationXML, or other metadata representation <Channel:SampleRate> element, optional |
This function retrieves the sample rate of the first trace from a Stream
object and compares
it to the metadata channel sample rate passed as chan_rate
to see whether both sample rates agree within
percent. If chan_rate is not provided, the code will retrieve a sample rate
from EarthScope web services.
The sampleRateChannelMetric function calculates and returns the following metrics:
A boolean measurement that returns 0 if miniSEED and Channel sample rates agree within 1%, or 1 if they disagree.
A list of lists is returned containing:
= list of sample_rate_channel
metric objects
Mary Templeton [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-02",tz="GMT") # Get channel-level metadata, sample rate and normalizaton frequency meta <- IRISSeismic::getChannel(iris, "IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) chan_rate <- meta$samplerate # Get the waveform st <- IRISSeismic::getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the sample rate metrics list1 <- sampleRateChannelMetric(st,channel_pct=1,chan_rate) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-02",tz="GMT") # Get channel-level metadata, sample rate and normalizaton frequency meta <- IRISSeismic::getChannel(iris, "IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) chan_rate <- meta$samplerate # Get the waveform st <- IRISSeismic::getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the sample rate metrics list1 <- sampleRateChannelMetric(st,channel_pct=1,chan_rate) ## End(Not run)
The sampleRateRespMetric() function compares the miniSEED sample rate with the sample rate derived from the high-frequency corner of the channel's amplitude response.
sampleRateRespMetric(st, resp_pct=15, norm_freq=NULL, evalresp=NULL)
sampleRateRespMetric(st, resp_pct=15, norm_freq=NULL, evalresp=NULL)
st |
a |
resp_pct |
percentage by which the miniSEED and response-derived sample rates must agree to be considered a match |
norm_freq |
the normalization frequency at which the stationXML InstrumentSensitivity or dataless Stage 0 Sensitivity is valid, optional |
evalresp |
dataframe of freq, amp, phase information matching output of |
Next the function retrieves the instrument response that corresponds with the start of the miniSEED time series,
from frequencies one decade below the norm_freq
through one decade above the miniSEED sampling frequency.
The difference of the amplitude values,normalized for frequency spacing, are then scanned to find the first steep
rolloff. The frequency associated with the maximum difference in the rolloff is stored as the empirical Nyquist
frequency and multiplied by two to give the empirical response-derived sample rate. The function then compares
this sample rate with the miniSEED sample rate to see whether both rates agree within resp_pct
The default percentage of 15
there is significant variations across instruments. If norm_freq or evalresp values are not provided, the code will
retrieve values from EarthScope web services.
The sampleRateMetric function calculates and returns the following metrics:
A boolean measurement that returns 0 if miniSEED and Response-derived sample rates agree within 15%, or 1 if they disagree. Response-derived sample rates assume that the high-frequency amplitude rolloff is ~85% of the Nyquist frequency.
A list of lists is returned containing:
= list of sample_rate_resp
metric objects
Mary Templeton [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-02",tz="GMT") # Get channel-level metadata, sample rate and normalizaton frequency meta <- IRISSeismic::getChannel(iris, "IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) norm_freq <- meta$scalefreq # Get the waveform st <- IRISSeismic::getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the sample rate metrics list1 <- sampleRateRespMetric(st,resp_pct=15,norm_freq) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-01",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2019-08-02",tz="GMT") # Get channel-level metadata, sample rate and normalizaton frequency meta <- IRISSeismic::getChannel(iris, "IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) norm_freq <- meta$scalefreq # Get the waveform st <- IRISSeismic::getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the sample rate metrics list1 <- sampleRateRespMetric(st,resp_pct=15,norm_freq) ## End(Not run)
The saveMetricList() function allows metrcis to be saved as either .RData files or as XML. The XML format is the same as that used by the EarthScope MUSTANG database for metric submission.
saveMetricList(metricList, id=Sys.getpid(), rdata=FALSE)
saveMetricList(metricList, id=Sys.getpid(), rdata=FALSE)
metricList |
list of SingleValueMetric objects |
id |
ID to be used when generating output files |
rdata |
optional flag to save the incoming |
The saveMetricList
function saves a list of SingleValueMetrics
as a .RData binary file
or converts the list into the XML format expected by the MUSTANG database submission process. This XML
format is human readable and can be used to spot check results of metrics calculations.
The automatically generated filename is returned invisibly.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Apply a metric and show the results metricList <- stateOfHealthMetric(st) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st)) saveMetricList(metricList,id='AK.PIN..BHZ') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Apply a metric and show the results metricList <- stateOfHealthMetric(st) metricList <- append(metricList, basicStatsMetric(st)) saveMetricList(metricList,id='AK.PIN..BHZ') ## End(Not run)
A container for metrics results and associated metadata. This information is used to create XML that is
then submitted to the MUSTANG Backend Storage System (BSS). This has been superceded by GeneralValueMetric
and is deprecated.
Objects can be created by calls of the form:
new("SingleValueMetric", snclq, starttime, endtime, metricName, value)
Lists of SingleValueMetric
objects are returned by various metrics functions in this package.
:Object of class "character"
: SNCLQ identifier.
:Object of class "character"
: Name of the metric.
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: Start time.
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: End time.
:Object of class "character"
: Name of the XML value identifier (default="value"
:Object of class "numeric"
: Metric value.
:Object of class "character"
: String representation of the metric value.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Quality flag.
:Object of class "character"
: String representation of quality flag.
:Object of class "character"
: Name of one or more optional attributes.
:Object of class "character"
: String representation of one or more attribute values.
signature(object = "SingleValueMetric")
: Prettyprints the information in the SingleValueMetric
The starttime
and endtime
slots are typically associated with the user requested times
which may not match up with the
associated with the first Trace
and the endtime
associated with last Trace
in the Stream
object being analyzed. This ensures that
metrics results for a single time period but covering many stations or channels will have the same date range and
improves performance of the BSS which expects XML of the following form:
<measurements> <date start='2012-02-10T00:00:00.000' end='2012-02-10T09:20:00.000'> <target snclq='N.S.L.C1.Q'> <example value='1.0'/> </target> <target snclq='N.S.L.C2.Q'> <example value='2.0'/> </target> <target snclq='N.S.L.C3.Q'> <example value='3.0'/> </target> </date> </date> </measurements>
The quality_flag
is an optional value available for storing information related to the
processing of a particular metric. Its meaning will vary from metric to metric.
For an EarthScope specific example, the station_completeness
metric obtains a list of available channels
for a station from the availability web service and compares this list with the list of percent_availability
metrics for this station stored in the MUSTANG BSS. In the case of the station_completeness
metric, the
is set to the number of channels that should be available but for whom no percent_availability
measure is obtained form the BSS.
The attributeName
and attributeValueString
slots can be used to store additional attributes associated with a metric values. For example, the max_stalta
value for a seismic trace can be calculated and a metric can be created that contains this value and another attribute with a string representation of the time at which this maximum occurred.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Apply a metric and show the results metricList <- basicStatsMetric(st) show(metricList[[1]]) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Apply a metric and show the results metricList <- basicStatsMetric(st) show(metricList[[1]]) ## End(Not run)
The SNRMetric() function calculates the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of a seismic trace by one of several named algorithms.
SNRMetric(st, algorithm, windowSecs)
SNRMetric(st, algorithm, windowSecs)
st |
a |
algorithm |
a named algorithm to use for calculating SNR (default= |
windowSecs |
width (seconds) of the full window used in SNR calculations (default= |
Seismic signals in the Stream must be without gaps, i.e. contained within a single Trace.
This algorithm uses the midpoint of the seismic signal as the border between noise to the left of the midpoint and signal to the right. The value for signal-to-noise is just the rmsVariance calculated for windowSecs/2 seconds of data to the right of the midpoint divided by the rmsVariance for windowSecs/2 seconds of data to the left of the midpoint.
No other algorithms have been vetted at this point.
A list with a single SingleValueMetric
object is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get an hour long waveform centered on a big quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:16:15",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 07:16:15",tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] # Calculate the SNR metric and show the results metricList <- SNRMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get an hour long waveform centered on a big quake starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 06:16:15",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27 07:16:15",tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) tr <- st@traces[[1]] # Calculate the SNR metric and show the results metricList <- SNRMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
A container for metrics consisting of discrete spectra. This information is used to create XML that is then submitted to the MUSTANG Backend Storage System (BSS).
Objects can be created by calls of the form:
new("SpectrumMetric", snclq, starttime, endtime, metricName, freqs, amps, phases)
:Object of class "character"
: SNCLQ identifier.
:Object of class "character"
: Name of the metric.
:Object of class "character"
: Name of the datetime element (default="t"
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: Start time.
:Object of class "POSIXct"
: End time.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Frequency values.
:Object of class "character"
: String representations of the frequency values.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Amplitude values.
:Object of class "character"
: String representations of the amplitude values.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Phase values.
:Object of class "character"
: String representations of the phase values.
:Object of class "numeric"
: Quality flag.
:Object of class "character"
: String representation of quality flag.
signature(object = "SpectrumMetric")
: Prettyprints the information in the SpectrumMetric
The quality_flag
is an optional value available for storing information related to the
processing of a particular metric. Its meaning will vary from metric to metric.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
The spectrumMetric2Xml
function converts a SpectrumMetric
into an
XML structure appropriate for submitting to the MUSTANG Backend Storage System (BSS).
metricList |
a list of |
A character string with BSS formatted XML is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # NOTE: The following trace has 1.728 million points. # NOTE: Downloading and calculating PSD may take a while. starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-28",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Make sure we're working with a single snclq unique_ids <- uniqueIds(st) if (length(unique_ids) > 1) { stop(paste("PSDMetric: Stream has",unique_ids,"unique identifiers")) } snclq <- unique_ids[1] # Calculate and plot the Power Spectral Density psdList <- psdList(st) # Create a Spectrum metric list spectrumMetricList <- list() index <- 1 for (psd in psdList) { spectrumMetricList[[index]] <- new("SpectrumMetric", snclq=snclq, starttime=psd$starttime, endtime=psd$endtime, metricName="psd", freqs=psd$freq, amps=psd$spec, phases=psd$freq*0) index <- index + 1 } # Show the XML version of the metric bssXml <- spectrumMetric2Xml(spectrumMetricList) cat(bssXml) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # NOTE: The following trace has 1.728 million points. # NOTE: Downloading and calculating PSD may take a while. starttime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-27",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2010-02-28",tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","ANMO","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Make sure we're working with a single snclq unique_ids <- uniqueIds(st) if (length(unique_ids) > 1) { stop(paste("PSDMetric: Stream has",unique_ids,"unique identifiers")) } snclq <- unique_ids[1] # Calculate and plot the Power Spectral Density psdList <- psdList(st) # Create a Spectrum metric list spectrumMetricList <- list() index <- 1 for (psd in psdList) { spectrumMetricList[[index]] <- new("SpectrumMetric", snclq=snclq, starttime=psd$starttime, endtime=psd$endtime, metricName="psd", freqs=psd$freq, amps=psd$spec, phases=psd$freq*0) index <- index + 1 } # Show the XML version of the metric bssXml <- spectrumMetric2Xml(spectrumMetricList) cat(bssXml) ## End(Not run)
The spikesMetric() function determines the number of spikes in a seismic Stream
spikesMetric(st, windowSize=41, thresholdMin=10, selectivity=NA, fixedThreshold=TRUE)
spikesMetric(st, windowSize=41, thresholdMin=10, selectivity=NA, fixedThreshold=TRUE)
st |
a |
windowSize |
The window size to roll over (default= |
thresholdMin |
Initial value for outlier detection (default= |
selectivity |
Numeric factor [0-1] used in determining outliers, or NA if fixedThreshold=TRUE (default= |
fixedThreshold |
TRUE or FALSE, set the threshold=thresholdMin and ignore selectivity (default= |
This function uses the output of the findOutliers()
function in the seismicRoll
package to calculate the number of 'spikes' containing outliers.
The thresholdMin
level is similar to a sigma value for normally distributed data.
Hampel filter values above 6.0 indicate a data value that is extremely unlikely
to be part of a normal distribution (~ 1/500 million) and therefore very likely to be an outlier. By
choosing a relatively large value for thresholdMin
we make it less likely that we
will generate false positives. False positives can include high frequency environmental noise.
The selectivity
is a value between 0 and 1 and is used to generate an appropriate
threshold for outlier detection based on the statistics of the incoming data. A lower value
for selectivity
will result in more outliers while a value closer to 1.0 will result in
fewer. The code ignores selectivity if fixedThreshold=TRUE
The fixedThreshold
is a logical TRUE
, then the threshold is set to thresholdMin
, then the threshold is set to maximum value of the roll_hample()
function output multiplied by the selectivity
The total count of spikes reflects the number of outlier data points that are separated by at least one non-outlier data point. Each individual spike may contain more than one data point.
A list of SingleValueMetric
objects is returned.
The thresholdMin
parameter is sensitive to the data sampling rate. The default
value of 10 seems to work well with sampling rates of 10 Hz or higher ('B..' or 'H..' channels). For
'L..' channels with a sampling rate of 1 Hz thresholdMin=12.0
or larger may be more appropriate.
More testing of spiky signals at different resolutions is needed.
See the seismicRoll package for documentation on the findOutliers() function.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-01-03 15:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 * 3 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","RAO","10","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the gaps metrics and show the results metricList <- spikesMetric(st) dummy <- show(metricList) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2013-01-03 15:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 * 3 st <- getDataselect(iris,"IU","RAO","10","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the gaps metrics and show the results metricList <- spikesMetric(st) dummy <- show(metricList) ## End(Not run)
The STALTAMetric() function calculates the maximum of STA/LTA over the incoming seismic signal.
STALTAMetric(st, staSecs, ltaSecs, increment, algorithm)
STALTAMetric(st, staSecs, ltaSecs, increment, algorithm)
st |
a |
staSecs |
length of the short term averaging window in seconds (default=3) |
ltaSecs |
length of the long term averaging window in seconds (default=30) |
algorithm |
algorithm to be used (default="classic_LR") |
increment |
increment used when sliding the averaging windows to the next location (default=1) |
Currently supported algorithms include:
This metric applies the STALTA
method of Trace
to every Trace
in st
with the following parameter settings:
The final metric value is the maximum STALTA value found in any Trace
in this Stream
Further details are given in the documentation for STALTA.Trace()
A list with a single SingleValueMetric
object is returned. The metric
name is max_stalta
method of Trace
objects returns a numeric vector of STA/LTA values
that has the same length as the signal data. This is a moderately time consuming operation.
By comparison, finding the maximum value of this vector of STA/LTA values is very fast.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
First break picking (Wikipedia)
Automatic time-picking of first arrivals on large seismic datasets (Wong 2014)
Automatic first-breaks picking: New strategies and algorithms (Sabbione and Velis 2010) )
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-02-12",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-02-13",tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","GHO","","BHN",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the STA/LTA metric and show the results metricList <- STALTAMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-02-12",tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-02-13",tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","GHO","","BHN",starttime,endtime) # Calculate the STA/LTA metric and show the results metricList <- STALTAMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
The stateOfHealthMetric
function extracts accumulated miniSEED quality flags and a measure
of timing quality associated with the incoming seismic signal.
st |
a |
The miniSEED flags and timing_qual values are described in the SEED manual (https://www.fdsn.org/seed_manual/SEEDManual_V2.4.pdf).
Each Stream
object contains "accumulators" with counts of the number of times
each bit flag was set during the parsing of a miniSEED file. Metrics are reported
for a subset of these flags as show in the code snippet below:
# act_flags calibration_signal <- st@act_flags[1] timing_correction <- st@act_flags[2] event_begin <- st@act_flags[3] event_end <- st@act_flags[4] event_in_progress <- st@act_flags[7] # io_flags clock_locked <- st@io_flags[6] # dq_flags amplifier_saturation <- st@dq_flags[1] digitizer_clipping <- st@dq_flags[2] spikes <- st@dq_flags[3] glitches <- st@dq_flags[4] missing_padded_data <- st@dq_flags[5] telemetry_sync_error <- st@dq_flags[6] digital_filter_charging <- st@dq_flags[7]
An additional "timing quality" metric gives the average value for the timing_qual
value associated with each block of miniSEED data.
A list of SingleValueMetric
objects is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Generate State of Health metrics and show the results metricList <- stateOfHealthMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Generate State of Health metrics and show the results metricList <- stateOfHealthMetric(st) dummy <- lapply(metricList, show) ## End(Not run)
The timesMetric2Xml
function converts a MultipleTimeValueMetric
into an
XML structure appropriate for submitting to the MUSTANG Backend Storage System (BSS).
metric |
a |
A character string with BSS formatted XML is returned.
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Make sure we're working with a single snclq unique_ids <- uniqueIds(st) if (length(unique_ids) > 1) { stop(paste("meanMetric: Stream has",unique_ids,"unique identifiers")) } snclq <- unique_ids[1] # get the upDownTimes with a minimum signal length and minimum gap (secs) upDownTimes <- getUpDownTimes(st, min_signal=30, min_gap=60) # Create and return a MultipleTimeValue metric from the upDownTimes m <- new("MultipleTimeValueMetric", snclq=snclq, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, metricName="up_down_times", values=upDownTimes) # Show the XML version of the metric bssXml <- timesMetric2Xml(m) cat(bssXml) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") # Get the waveform starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Make sure we're working with a single snclq unique_ids <- uniqueIds(st) if (length(unique_ids) > 1) { stop(paste("meanMetric: Stream has",unique_ids,"unique identifiers")) } snclq <- unique_ids[1] # get the upDownTimes with a minimum signal length and minimum gap (secs) upDownTimes <- getUpDownTimes(st, min_signal=30, min_gap=60) # Create and return a MultipleTimeValue metric from the upDownTimes m <- new("MultipleTimeValueMetric", snclq=snclq, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, metricName="up_down_times", values=upDownTimes) # Show the XML version of the metric bssXml <- timesMetric2Xml(m) cat(bssXml) ## End(Not run)
The transferFunctionMetric() function calculates metrics that assess the relationship between two SNCLs with the same network, station and channel but separate locations. When seismometers are working properly, the transfer function amplitude and phase will match similar values calculated from the instrument responses.
This function calculates the transfer function from data in the incoming streams. Response information is then obtained from the evalresp web service.
transferFunctionMetric(st1, st2, evalresp1, evalresp2)
transferFunctionMetric(st1, st2, evalresp1, evalresp2)
st1 |
a |
st2 |
a |
evalresp1 |
a |
evalresp2 |
a |
Details of the algorithm are as follows
# compute complex cross-spectrum of traces x and y ==> Pxx, Pxy, Pyy # calculate transfer function values: # Txy(f) = Pxy(f) / Pxx(f) # dataGain <- Mod(Txy) # dataPhase <- Arg(Txy) # # calculate avgDataGain and avgDataPhase values for periods of 5-7s # # calculate the corresponding response amplitude ratio and phase difference: # request responses for x and y # respGain = respGainy(f) / respGainx(f) # respPhase = respPhasey(f) - respPhasex(f) # # calculate avgRespGain and avgRespPhase values for periods of 5-7s # # calculate metrics: # gain_ratio = avgDataGain / avgRespGain # hase_diff = avgDataPhase - avgRespPhase # ms_coherence = |Pxy|^2 / (Pxx*Pyy)
A list with a single SingleValueMetric
object is returned. The metric name is
and it has three attributes:
– reasonableness of cross-spectral amplitude between st1
and st2
– reasonableness of cross-spectral phase between st1
and st2
– mean square coherence between st1
and st2
These values can be interpreted as follows:
Whenever ms_coherence ~= 1.0
, properly functioning seismometers should have:
gain_raio ~= 1.0
phase_diff < 10.0
Seismic streams passed to transferFunctionMetric() must have the same network, station and channel and must cover the same time range. The two channels should also have values of azimuth and dip within five degrees of each other. If sampling rates differ and one is a multiple of the other, the stream with the higher sampling rate will be decimated to match the lower sampling rate.
The metricList generated for these two-channel metrics will have a SNCL code of the form:
Jonathan Callahan [email protected] (R code), Mary Templeton [email protected] (algorithm)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-01 12:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 st1 <- getDataselect(iris,"CI","PASC","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) st2 <- getDataselect(iris,"CI","PASC","10","BHZ",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) evalresp1 <- IRISSeismic::transferFunctionSpectra(st1,40) evalresp2 <- IRISSeismic::transferFunctionSpectra(st2,40) # Calculate metrics metricList <- transferFunctionMetric(st1,st2,evalresp1,evalresp2) print(metricList) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Create a new IrisClient iris <- new("IrisClient", debug=TRUE) # Get seismic data starttime <- as.POSIXct("2011-05-01 12:00:00", tz="GMT") endtime <- starttime + 3600 st1 <- getDataselect(iris,"CI","PASC","00","BHZ",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) st2 <- getDataselect(iris,"CI","PASC","10","BHZ",starttime,endtime,inclusiveEnd=FALSE) evalresp1 <- IRISSeismic::transferFunctionSpectra(st1,40) evalresp2 <- IRISSeismic::transferFunctionSpectra(st2,40) # Calculate metrics metricList <- transferFunctionMetric(st1,st2,evalresp1,evalresp2) print(metricList) ## End(Not run)
The upDownTimesMetric() function determines the times at which data collection starts and stops
within a seismic Stream
upDownTimesMetric(st, min_signal, min_gap)
upDownTimesMetric(st, min_signal, min_gap)
st |
a |
min_signal |
minimum duration of a |
min_gap |
minimum gap in seconds (default= |
This function uses the output of the getUpDownTimes
method of Stream
A list with a single MultipleTimeValueMetric
object is returned.
See the seismic
package for documentation on Stream
objects and the getDataselect
Jonathan Callahan [email protected]
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Create the upDownTimesMetric, ignoring Traces < 3 minutes and gaps of < 5 minutes metricList <- upDownTimesMetric(st, min_signal=180, min_gap=300) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Open a connection to EarthScope webservices iris <- new("IrisClient") starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-24", tz="GMT") endtime <- as.POSIXct("2012-01-25", tz="GMT") # Get the waveform st <- getDataselect(iris,"AK","PIN","","BHZ",starttime,endtime) # Create the upDownTimesMetric, ignoring Traces < 3 minutes and gaps of < 5 minutes metricList <- upDownTimesMetric(st, min_signal=180, min_gap=300) ## End(Not run)